You're Not Even Tired, Are You?

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A/N: This chapter is smutty, and Peggy is an absolute bottom because duh. Roughness, praise, choking etc. up ahead y'all...

Two days.

For two days, Peggy avoided Dottie at all costs.

Around the Tower, Dottie would catch a glimpse of wavy, brunette hair before it hastily disappeared.

She couldn't do anything about it either, she was too preoccupied with training for her next mission. SHIELD had tasked Dottie, Natasha, Peggy and Clint with stealing files and data from a Hydra base that held information on Leviathan, a Soviet terrorist group from WW2 that Dottie had previously been brainwashed into working for.

Secretly, she hoped to find files on all previous members and, hopefully, her own.

Dottie was packing a duffel with her belongings and a new tactical suit Tony designed for her. It was similar in build to Natasha's, except it encased and held together like Peggy's, the colour mainly black and a red hourglass belt fitted at the waist.

They took one of the SHIELD quinjets to the small town, located in rural Norway and situated nearby the Hydra base, landing it in a covert position and driving a rented jeep over to the nearest hotel.

As expected, Peggy avoided looking directly at Dottie the entire trip. An atmosphere of awkward tension filled the air and not even Clint and Natasha's bickering could mask it.

Everyone hauled their stuff into the hotel and Natasha spoke to the receptionist since she was the only one with (limited) knowledge of Norwegian.

"Hei, vi har bestilt to rom for to netter?" She smiled at the kind, old man.

"Under hvilket navn?"


Clint let out a snicker at her familiar alias, earning himself a subtle smack to the arm.

The man knelt down and retrieved two room keys, handing them to Natasha with a warm smile. "Nyt oppholdet her."

"Takk skal du ha!"

She handed Peggy one of the keys and pocketed the other.

"I'll go with Clint, you go with Dottie."

Dottie ignored the way Peggy tensed slightly and nodded. "We meet at 3:00AM. Understand?"

Everyone nodded and Clint and Natasha went to their rooms, while Dottie and Peggy went to their own.

The second Dottie walked into the surprisingly warm hotel room, the first thing she noticed was the double bed. She bit back a smile, predicting Peggy's reaction to having to share a bed tonight, and simply dumped her bag to one side, slumping forward onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" She asked as if Dottie was doing the most outrageous thing ever.

"Uh, getting as much sleep as I can?" She quipped. "Nice to know you're finally talking to me again, Peg."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Seriously?" Dottie actually laughed, sitting up to stare at her. "You've been avoiding me for two days straight. Ever since you came to my room and kissed me!"

When Peggy didn't respond, she let out a breathy chuckle. "Nice to-"

She felt herself unable to talk when a familiar situation arose; Peggy had cut her off with a kiss... again.

Fuck it.

Dottie accepted the kiss hungrily, biting at Peggy's bottom lip and pulling it between her teeth. Peggy groaned and Dottie snaked her hands around her waist, pulling her between her legs and closer to the bed.

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