Chapter 23

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I sat my desk, listening to Donna speak of my plans this week. I had been talking to Phoenix frequently. I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop my mind from wandering, thinking of her, the cabin. I kept picturing her body, the curves, bends, the softness, her breath-

"Mr. Horan?"

"What? What?" I started to blink, having zoned out terribly. "Is it hot in here?" I cleared my throat, fixing my tie.

"Not to me, do you want me to lower the thermostat?"

"No, no, no don't bother." My phone buzzed, it was Phoenix. Why do you always text while I work?

You always work. You don't have to reply.

It's fine, it's just a briefing on this weeks events

Well I don't want you to miss out on something important.

It's all important but I honestly don't mind. What are you up to this week?

I'm running off and losing my virginity to get the hot business man I honestly can't stop thinking about

My jaw dropped. I knew she felt like I didn't want her because she was a virgin. I couldn't hide my anger, I clicked on the caps.


Wow, I got capital shouting, nice.

I mean it Phoenix. If you want your virginity gone I'd be more than happy to take it.

I'm sure you would be, but you won't get it till we really date, which you won't do because I'm a big old virgin, right?

No, it's very complex. I sucked in a ragged breath when suddenly I heard a loud bang. I shot my head upright, seeing my VP Alex.

"What the hell Niall? I've said your name a dozen times. Can your texting please wait? We have a meeting."

"Fine, hang on," Fuck, my VP is getting attitude with me. Bye Phoenix. We will be in touch.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Nothing, let's go,"

We left my office to have a meeting. I was not happy. I cut that meeting short, and drove, going right to Westville after changing my entire week's schedule. I was enraged by that text. I knew I was giving her mixed signals, because that's what I felt myself. I was confused. I wanted her but I didn't or couldn't at the same time. It was overwhelming.

I pulled up in front of the school, wearing a black jacket as I leaned against my car, waiting for her. I knew her was here, her car was in the lot. I had my arms crossed, eyes narrowed.

"You can't just show up, give a girl warning." She glared.

She looked so young, in a pair of gray sweats with her last name running down the side, from cross or some kind of sport. Her hair was in a messy bun, and she had on a pink cross country sweatshirt. She had on a backpack; I hadn't used a backpack since I was in grade school.

"I apologize." I pushed off the car, striding towards her. "I wanted to make sure your virginity was intact."

"Nope, I had a quickie in the janitor's closet." My heart dropped. "I'm kidding. Lord," She shook her head, finding herself very funny. "Do you want to come over?"

"Yes, you're sense of humor is exhausting."

"Really? I've been called charming before."

"I'm sure that was an exaggeration." I walked back and opened the car door, speeding off. Her mother was at work when we arrived. She washed her hands and started eating one of the healthiest things I'd seen her eat, grapes.

The Mogul (Mature Niall Horan) | RepostedWhere stories live. Discover now