Chapter 9

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I hadn't spoken to Phoenix, or seen her, since the play, some time ago. I was working happily, overwhelmingly to some, on new business ventures. My investment in stock held true, and I had doubled my money and sold it all off. Everything was thriving right now, which did shock me, normally something was always falling through.

"I have Andrew Jacobs."

"Put him through." I waited a moment. "Niall Horan."

"Mr. Horan, it's Andrew Jacobs from Westville."

"Nice to talk to you Andrew."

"The very same, I wanted to tell you that tonight is the first home basketball game for the girls in their new uniforms. I wanted to make sure you knew, in case you had time in your busy schedule and wanted to see them in action."

"Are they a good team?"

"Oh darn right they are, I think they'll be the first time to go to states because of Rose."

"Phoenix is a great coach?"

"The best, she's a great player. Her graduating class was the very last to go all the way to states, and it was because of her that they made it."

"She's a short girl."

"Ah that's it, she uses that. People underestimate her but the second that ball is in her hands, boom."

I smiled a bit. "Thank you for letting me know."

"Thank you for the uniforms."

We said our goodbyes and I called Donna in. "Do I have the time to go to Westville by seven?"

"If you leave..." she thought. "You have a dinner meeting."


"Your VP, Alexander."

"Eh, I don't want to hear it. Push it back till tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" I gave her a look, not liking that I was being questioned. "Yes Mr. Horan," she hurried out.

I went back to my work, working harder so I made the time. I was very curious to see little Phoenix Flynn try to coach.

I drove myself, liking the open road. I listened to my music and talk radio, mixing between both. I arrived at the high school, still in my work clothes since I didn't have time to change. When I walked in the game had started, I made my way to the stands, and saw her.

Her red hair stuck out on the court full of blonds and brunettes, that and her fair skin. She glowed. She was wearing khaki pants and a black custom shirt with her name embroidered in red, the schools colors. She had coach written across her back, and then the number one. She had a clip board in her hand, a whistle around her neck.

"Pass it to Kendall! Open! Now!" she smacked on the board again, her eyes concentrated. She wasn't holding back, at all. She was hard on the girls, she clearly had high expectations. "There it is!" she shouted when they scored and clapped. "Switch, Abby, Haley you're in," the girls ran and switched out. She called plays; she was very organized and strong. The other team ran and made a score. "What are you doing?" she shouted. "Eyes open! Arms up! Twenty two!" She was clearly in the game right along with them.

The game ended in a massacre, sixty something to twenty something. I watched as Phoenix cheered and ran off to the locker room with the girls. I waited and watched as the boys team warmed up for their game. I saw her red hair some time later, wearing the heavy looking warm up jersey, their school name, their number, their own name on it. She walked past and out to the lobby. I followed, seeing her going to the concession stand to buying candy.

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