Chapter 11

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I woke up first, not surprisingly. I rolled out of bed, she was doing just fine. I saw a fresh thing of clothes for myself and for her; I left hers in the bathroom. I showered and dressed, ordering breakfast. I was sliding on my suit jacket, my hair still a bit damp from my shower when I saw her blinking.

"You're up."

"Y-Yes... what... where am I?"

"You don't remember?" I smirked.

"No, not really. I have a headache." She rubbed her face.

"Last night, I was sitting at home when I get a call. You, drunk, on the other line."

"Oh God... I remember now. Niall I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to put you out or ruin your night."

"It was memorable to say the least."

"So wait, I called your office

"Yes, my assistant was working and patched you through to me."

"How did you get up from Detroit so fast?"

"You called me at midnight, I arrived at two."

"How did you know where I was?"

"I tracked your cell phone."

She gaped. "Invasive much?"

"Yes, well, it was important."

"Wow," she rubbed her face.

"You really shouldn't drink you know."

"I normally don't. I was upset. My best friend at the university, Kylie, thought it was a good idea."

"Why did you drink? You said you got awful news, what?"

"My um, my ex Taylor, we had just broken up after a very long time of dating. I found out that he had slept with a very close friend of mine while we were together, a lot, often." She frowned.

"That's awful, I'm very sorry to hear that."

"Fuck him." She shook her head and yawned. She stretched. I took her in, seeing her in that bra. She glanced down and jumped for the covers, pinning them to her chest. "What the hell?"

"What?" I played dumb.

"Why am I not wearing clothes? Did we..."

"Phoenix you were knocked out. I like the woman I'm with in bed to be active participants. You got sick all over your clothes.

"You undressed me?"

"I couldn't very well allow you to sleep in your own vomit. It was purely for your benefit, nothing sexual I promise."

"Oh dear God, I'm so embarrassed. Niall I'm sorry."

"It's perfectly all right, they're clothes in the bathroom, and you can shower. Breakfast will be here shortly."

"Oh... all right."

I walked out of the bedroom and into the dining area. I heard the shower roar a few moments later. I was reading the paper and sipping coffee for a few moments, hearing a knock on the door. Room service entered, rolling in a cart. I didn't know what she normally ate, so I picked a great deal. Plus, she was so thin, she needed food. Normally slimness was a plus, but on her... it oddly worried me. I got up and knocked on the door.


"Just a second," her voice was rather strained, like she was nervous.

I heard the water shut off and I started back to the dining area. I resumed what I had been just doing, answering some of my emails as well. A few moments later I saw her come out. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a very proper, high class teal colored dress that was simple but very flattering. She had on matching sandals that weren't covered in duct tape, and a cable knitted cardigan so she didn't get cold. It looked soft. Her hair was damp, spiraling.

The Mogul (Mature Niall Horan) | RepostedWhere stories live. Discover now