Chapter 10

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Today was a draining, draining day. It got to the point where I just needed to breathe. It felt like I was speaking in another language and all my business partners couldn't hear me. I wasn't being clear enough. It was annoying as all sin. I didn't like to be questioned, or have to speak down to grown men. They should fucking know how the business world works by now.

I ended up leaving, wanting them to fend for themselves. I went and did what I normally did to relax. I went onto my balcony, just off my guest room and sat, reading. I drank aged scotch, trying to calm.

I needed to start looking for new company. I needed to start looking for a stringless, leggy blond. That's what I needed. It was by far the best stress reliever I could have.

I came back to work, seeing all kinds of drawing boards up. I shook my head, and kicked the wheeling dry erase boards out to the hall.

"Do you comprehend what I'm saying now?" I shouted, standing at the head of the long table. My business partners, about twenty of them, all laced their hands on the desk and looked down. "We are not going to become that company, I will not let my company, that I built in my basement become nothing more than a money factory. I want to do right by these people who have been working with me since day one."

"The Louisiana plant is a problem sir, we can't carry dead weight. It is not consistent, it went right back down again."

"Fix it!" I shouted. "Fix the damn problem before you just throw in the towel. Do you not see," I grabbed the paper, and wrote on another board, a clear one that was just behind me. 'Look at the partners in these numbers? We are having growth but we're bleeding from unnecessary spending. Why the fuck are you," I pointed to the manager of the plant that I had flown into the city. "Taking a bonus? Did you not think I'd see that?"

"I... I've been pulling extra work. We always get those bonuses."

"Extra work?" I laughed. "You are taking a pay cut. The bonuses will be reworked into the plant itself to do patch up work. Any questions?" they were silent. 'Good. Return your company car too," he frowned. "We meet next month."

They all scattered from my office, I sat back. I rubbed my face and let out a groan, angry that I worked with money grabbers.

I worked for a few more hours and was very drained when I arrived home. I let out a tough breath and made myself a drink, sitting in my living room in silence. It was silent, till my phone blared.

"Donna, what?"

"Sorry Mr. Horan. I was staying late to do file organizing, and I have a... I think it's Phoenix Flynn?"

"You think?"

"Someone called the office, then I heard another voice, then they were asking for you."

"Well, put it through." She did as I asked. "Niall Horan,"

"Oh shit," her voice was sloppy, whosever's it was. I couldn't tell.

"Hello? Who is this?"



"How'd you know it was me?" She giggled.

"Are you drunk?"

"Yes, I am. I got awful news. So I'm drinking my sorrows."

"That's not healthy, how are you getting home?"

"No idea."

"Stop drinking."

"Why do you care?" Her tone was very bitter and harsh. "You didn't even kiss me when you had the chance. You've had... like... three chances? That's a fucking lot."

"Phoenix... I did want to, I couldn't."

"You didn't want to because I'm nowhere near as attractive as you are or successful."

"That's not true."

"Bull shit!"

"Phoenix, stop drinking, call a cab and text me when you get home."

"Mm... nope. I'm going to drink myself into oblivion! Goodnight Mr. Horan."


She hung up on me. I was very, very angry. That girl was at either 4'9 or 5 foot at the most, she'd get drunk far too fast, anyone could take advantage or she could black out and not got the proper care she needed. I was mad as hell. I called Parker; giving him the number she called on. He easily tracked her phone, always good at that sort of thing. She wasn't at her home address in Westville; she was elsewhere, at least an hour from the town.

I began the drive, very annoyed, with Parker. He accompanied me in case I needed anything in a separate vehicle. I arrived at some small home with a barn, getting out. I was not in the mood for this.

I marched over to the front of the house, hearing loud music, drunk twenty year olds everywhere. It was about two am. I walked inside, looking around. I was frustrated as hell, walking around through the house. I pushed open a bedroom door and saw her on her side, that guy at the foot of the bed, Taylor. She was crying.

"You." I pointed. "Get the fuck out."

"Man, you get out, this isn't your business."

I shook my head and waved to Parker, not in the mood. Parker picked him right up and hauled him outside. Phoenix was staring, wearing something incredibly sexy, a fitted black dress that exposed her chest. I was surprised.

"Phoenix, are you okay?"

"No, no, no," she fell into the pillows and cried. I rubbed my face, tired after such an exhausting day. "I hate my life." She groaned and mumbled, falling onto her back.

I took a long breath, knowing she couldn't stay here with that creepy guy around. I was too fucking tired to drive an hour to her home and then two hours to mine. I had Parker make reservations at the nearest hotel, the nicest around. I carried her out to my car; she stumbled around, totally passed out.

"Damn it Phoenix," I was frustrated. I set her into the seat and buckled her up. I drove to the hotel where I entered the back way; I didn't want someone thinking I was taking her hostage or something in her drunken state. On the way there she was sick, it was clear that she couldn't hold her liquor.

I laid her in the bed, and removed her shoes. She was just limp. I frowned, feeling a strong pulse. I think she just drank a bit too much, when I shook her she did respond, mumbling. I couldn't very well let her sleep covered in that awful stuff so I gripped the sides of her black dress and dragged it down her body. I bit my lip, shocked.

Her body was very soft; it wasn't muscular like I had been accustomed to being around. She had hips, and thighs, she had a chest that was covered in a simple pink bra, nothing sexy about it. The bottoms looked like boxers but were fitted and a bit more feminine for girls. The most... shocking thing about her was her hips. Right where I had my own V line, Phoenix Flynn had tattoos of two birds, coming from, well, you get the idea. They went lower; I had no idea how much lower into her underwear they went. I shook my head in disapproval. I picked her up and slid her on her side, seeing set of wings on her lower back. I was shocked. She didn't seem like the type. I covered her a bit in a blanket and then set a garbage can by her. I walked to the living room.

"Are you staying?" Parker asked.

"Yes. I have to in case she is ill. You order some clothes, something nice please; she's a size small, short. Then you can take off."

He nodded and walked out. I went into the room, wondering where I should sleep. I never slept in the same bed as anyone. I pulled off my shirt and jeans, walking in my boxers. I walked out to the living room area and stretched out on the couch. I tossed and turned, I couldn't sleep, I was worrying about her. I kept worrying if she'd wake up and get sick or wake up and panic, something. I grabbed my pillow and huffed into the bedroom, seeing her snoring. I found that odd. I crawled into bed beside her, my back to her. I felt better. I shut my eyes, not willing to read anything into this.

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