Chapter 7

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The moment the lights when up after the performers bowed, she spun and thanked me.

"You enjoyed it?"

"I loved it; it was incredible, thank you for taking me."

I smiled back at her, her big, bright eyes pulled me in for whatever reason. She was so innocent and soft seeming, something I was never around. It truly did make me so happy to know I made her smile.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Phoenix."

"You can call me Rose, or Flynn."

I flinched at the thought of nicknames. "I prefer your given name. Come on, I'm hungry and I have hands to shake." I let out a breath, hating this part of the business world. I fixed up my tie and held my hand to her back.

I went through again, lying about how much I enjoyed the show. I shook more hands, flattered more people, and then got the hell out of there.

"Where would you like to eat?" I asked after we got on the road. "There is a French restaurant I'm fond of down the corner; there is a very nice Japanese place I do business at often. There's a sushi restaurant if that's your taste." She was silent. I glanced at her. "What?"

"Um, Niall..."


"Can't we just go to like... a Wendy's?"


"Yes, have you ever just went through the drive-thru?"

"Drive-thru's aren't proper meals."

"Then you can go sit down in the restaurant, that's much more laid back. I'm sorry but I'm a small town girl, French restaurants and sushi joints are not my thing."

"Too much?"

"Very much."

I was a bit baffled. Fast food? I was a health freak, I worked out five days a week, I drank nothing but water, besides coffee, I had freshly prepared garden grown vegetables and fruits daily. This girl wanted to eat at a Wendy's? She didn't truly want to take advantage of a pricy meal that easily would have run me three hundred dollars for just the two of us? She wanted that crap?

She said it was too much, I didn't want her uncomfortable. I took a breath.

"Fine... I'll try a Wendy's?"

"Yes, please, my treat."

"No, not your treat." I yelled at her, just a touch. I was eating a fucking Wendy's, leave the rest of it alone. There wasn't a shot in hell of her paying.

"You are so snippy, I can tell already."

"Yes, I am. I've never been called snippy."

No one ever called me anything but Mr. Horan. Never snippy. "Maybe not directly," she whispered under her breath.

A few moments later I pulled off the highway, and into that God awful restaurant. It smelled odd, like grease. It had terrible, tacky fake plants hanging in golden baskets, just awful everything.

She seemed right at home.

"What do you eat at this place?"

"Have you had a fast food before?"

"Not since I was like... eleven?"

"Lord, get something different. I like the basic chicken nuggets and fries. Give a burger a whirl."

The Mogul (Mature Niall Horan) | RepostedWhere stories live. Discover now