Chapter 8

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I blocked her from my mind, finding that maddening. I hated that I even had to do that. What was this? I was not the type of man to find anything interesting, other than my business. I never cared for women on a deeper level. I do not get attached. I do not date; I'll say it over and over. I didn't believe in touch that wasn't for sexual gratification, because otherwise it served no purpose. I broke and slept with my assistant, breaking my biggest rule but I needed something.

"Donna it was my fault entirely. It was a massive indiscretion, I'm truly sorry for it."

"It's my fault too," she blushed.

"I hope you understand why we can't further this."

"I do, fully."

"Then would you like me to transfer you to another part in the office?"

"I'm still comfortable here."

"Are you sure?"


"Then all right, can I have my schedule please?"

"You have that play," she stood up and handed me a print out of my events for the rest of the week. "Do you still want to go?"

"Ah, yes, I should go."

She gave me the rundown and I got to work. I was very busy with the typical mergers, video conferences, and regular conferences. I arrived home at about two am, where I worked some more until three, then woke up at five am to start working out and my day. It was the typical routine for me.

Later in the week I arrived at Westville Middle School for the play. I sat in the back row, mixed in with high schoolers and little kids. I watched, seeing Phoenix help direct and run the microphones for the kids. A few times she'd turn and I'd see her side profile. She'd laugh and smile, speak to Mrs. Deppie quietly.

The play ended, and I walked out, standing taller than most of the kids here. I saw her talking to some of the kids from the stage who were in the hall. They were all taller than her.

"Phoenix," I said properly, smoothing out my tie and jacket.

"Niall, did you find your money was put to good use?"

"I did very good use. They did a good job."

"I know," she smiled. I looked her over. She was wearing tight jeans and a sweater with a cat image on it. It was... actually kind of cute. I never found people cute.

"Ro!" someone squealed.

"Charlie boy!" Charlie ran and jumped into her arms, she kissed his cheek. "Did you like it?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

"I'm so happy to hear that. Charlie, do you remember Niall?"

"Yes," he blinked, avoiding eye contact. I smiled.

"Hi Charlie," I made my voice very soft, as soft as I could anyhow.

"Hello, hello, hello, down," he fussed. She set him down with ease. He ran off, his aid quickly following him. "Goodbye!"

"Bye!" She shouted, her smile glowing white and beaming. She turned to me. "Sorry, I hoped I'd see him. I'm glad you drove all the way from the city and found it worth it."

"It was good." I was surprised at the scene, so gentle, and affectionate. I didn't like that I found it... lovely? 'I have to go thank Mrs. Deppie for the invitation."

"So proper."

"Very. You look lovely, it was nice to see you." I turned and walked, the crowd parting with ease for me. I walked into the theater, having to wait some time to finally speak to Mrs. Deppie. I reached her as Phoenix and her cast entered, I was speaking to Mrs. Deppie, looking over her shoulder as Phoenix spoke to student. She helped her remove the microphone back, and I watched as she bent over, reaching for a black case. I was staring hopelessly at her ass.

"Anyway, I'm glad I helped." I shook my head and then her hand.

"I'm so thankful you did Mr. Horan."

I started out, hating that I found that moment a turn on. I started out, but I heard her voice, calling for me outside of the theater.

"Why did you have my car washed and waxed?"

"It was in desperate need of it. I mean, I didn't have enough time to get the engine looked at."

"You would have done that?"

"It's a bucket of bolts, that's not safe; it's not a proper method of transportation."

"Don't you ever just speak normally? Why so uptight, proper method of transportation? You couldn't have just said... it's a piece of crap and looks like it'd break down?"

"That sounds rather harsh, don't you think? I'm a business man, I'm around business, and I believe things are done a certain way and spoken a certain way."

"So rigid."

"Perhaps." My phone went off, a reminder for a meeting. "I have to go; I have meetings to get back to, takeovers to handle, empire to run." I exhaled. "I will see you."

"See me where?"

"I've been invited to a great deal events at this school. I can't very well decline. It was good to see you Phoenix."

"Good to see you Niall." She mumbled.

She was staring, her eyes on my lips. She wanted me to kiss her. I stared right back, curious as to why I wanted to kiss her. She wasn't my type, she wasn't very proper. At times she would be. She wasn't blond. She was very short, not put together with the broken shoes and chipping nails, she was everything I never wanted in truth.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"Nothing," she jumped. "Bye."

I drove away, feeling honestly... a bit bad? She was younger than me, and I'm sure I was different than most of the guys in this small country town she was trapped in. I knew not to think too hard about it, she was a silly young girl. I ran a business empire.

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