Chapter 14

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I hadn't called Phoenix; I was trying to avoid her in all honesty. I wasn't a boyfriend; I've said it a million times. She clearly, just in her kiss, was a relationship type girl. She was just blinded by attraction to really grasp that she was messing with her heart.

"I have Andrew Jacobs on line one."

I sighed and answered. "Niall Horan."

"Mr. Horan, it's Andrew Jacobs.'

"How are you doing Mr. Jacobs?"

'Just great, I actually wanted to tell you that our school was so thankful of what you've done, we have this plaque for you. We wanted to know when you could come and accept it.'

"Oh, um," I shook my head, finding it pointless, but I did appreciate it, I suppose. "Let me see," I pulled up my calendar. "Thursday works, at two."

"Great, that works for us."

I said my goodbyes and groaned, laying my head against my desk. I didn't want to go back to Westville. I got back to work, doing all I could to keep up on things. I did that for a few days, but then I found myself driving to Westville.

I accepted the plaque, it was basic, but I knew they meant well. They really were so thankful for what I had done, which did mean something. I was in the lobby and shook hands with Mr. Jacobs when I saw her walk in from being with Charlie. I came over, unable to ignore her eyes.

"Hello Phoenix."

"Hi, what... what are you doing here?"

"I had a meeting with Mr. Jacobs; I had to accept some plaque. This school is very appreciative."

"They are. You saved jobs, livelihoods."

I shrugged. "How was Charlie?"

A very bright, very warm smile spread across her face. "Really great."


"So you're leaving now?"

"I don't have to. I have time."

She stared. "Are you just waiting for me to ask you out or something? I thought you were proper, gentlemen ask the girl out."

I smiled but frowned, I wasn't clear with her. It was time to set the record straight.

"I don't' date Phoenix, I think I mislead you. I don't date or have girlfriends. I'm not dependable in that sense. It's why I'm really not right for you, why you wouldn't be into my life style."

Her face crumbled a bit. "Well... yeah, you kind of did mislead me." She whispered. "You brought me to a play, the movies; you've kissed me like no one ever has before. So..." She shook her head. "I'm embarrassed, bye Niall." She nearly ran away down the hall.

I took a breath, feeling bad but started out. Then I realized that... I couldn't just walk away. I walked up the halls and caught her going into the teachers lounge. By the time I came near the door she nearly ran into me with a glare, storming away what her jacket.


'I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Oh I'm lovely Niall." She brushed past me. "Next time, make it clear okay?"


'Don't... don't make the girl swoon!" She shouted a bit. "Don't go out to dinner with her or take her to the movies and make her laugh, don't ever kiss a girl like that, multiple times. It's not fair."

"I apologize."

"Gee, I'm healed." She rolled her eyes, and I lost it.

"Don't do that, I hate when people do that. It's disrespectful and immature. Do not roll your eyes like that."

"I am immature I'm twenty two years old. Sorry I am not this big twenty six year old mogul like you with superior intellect. I am smart enough to know not to toy with someone."

"I didn't toy with you in anyway."

"Oh bull shit, you flew on a chopper to come see me, just to take me to the movies. Come on, what would any girl think?"

"I," I hesitated, oh shit, she was right. She turned and started away. "Wait, wait Phoenix."

"Ugh, call me Rose."

"No, I told you wouldn't do that. Look," I caught hold of her arm and forced eye contact. "I apologize, sincerely. I can see... I went about this the wrong way. I just couldn't stop myself from asking you out."


"I guess..." How could I answer her? Because I found her interesting? I actually enjoyed having a conversation? I liked that she wasn't scared of speaking up for herself, and wanted to explore someone like that? I found her attractive which is totally out of character for me.

"Different reasons that don't matter in the slightest. I hope your feelings aren't that hurt."

"Oh trust me, they're not too great."

I frowned, honestly upset. "I'm sorry."

"Can't you give me the credit of really getting to know me, before you won't date me?"

"I don't do that, I haven't done that."

"Time to give it a shot."

"Are you telling me what to do?"

"Yes. Come on," she had the nerve to not only tell me what to do, but yank my arm, starting down the hall. "We are doing what normal people around our age do."

"What is that?"

"We're going to chill out, watch TV and eat junk food. I feel like you'd be the type of rich guy who eats that shitty organic crap."

"It's healthy."

"So lame, come on."

I followed her out, to my great surprise. She wanted to drive me, but I refused to let that happen. I drove her, having push away some high school guys who were by my car. I drove her to her home, honestly wondering, what the hell were we going to do?

The Mogul (Mature Niall Horan) | RepostedWhere stories live. Discover now