Chapter 18

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I hadn't spoken to Phoenix in some time, in person. She... she was texting me, often. I mean all the time. It wasn't even anything important, just conversation that I shockingly enjoyed. She told me of things she was doing, bored at practice or in class when the main teacher would be doing a lesson and she'd be off to the side, she'd say we should meet up soon. She'd have perfect timing and text while I was in meetings. I'd hear it go off, and I'd try and try to ignore it. I couldn't. I'd text during my professional business meetings. I still couldn't believe it. I scolded her about her timing and she'd say I didn't have to reply, but what if it was important?

I worked very hard and unknowingly freed up so much time. "Donna, go home early.' I waved to her after I stepped in the elevator, I was heading to Westville. I did enjoy driving the highways; it was very calming to me. I pulled up in front of her house, it was after three, and she had texted the other day she didn't have practice for basketball. It was already almost December, they were advancing very well. I waited, and waited, finally I called her.


"Hello, what are you doing right now?"

"I am heading to work."

'Oh... crap."


"I am outside of your house actually. I thought we would hang out, that's what you always ask. I had free time in my schedule."

"Do you want to come with me? I'm babysitting Charlie. Beth, his mom, won't mind at all, she says I can bring people along. He'll be downstairs anyhow. I'd like company."

"Well, all right, send me the address."

"Will do." She hung up and my phone buzzed a few moments later. I took a breath and got in my car, wondering why.

I drove to a very nice area in Westville. The homes were large and spaced out, very... my style I suppose. I pulled into the driveway, texting her. She told me to come in through the garage. I did as I was told, seeing the nice car in the parking space, she opened the door and smiled. She was wearing faded jeans, socks, and a gray zip up hoodie. Her hair was down and in a headband, face bare of makeup. I stepped inside, seeing the fancy kitchen, high ceilings, new everything.

"This is a very nice home."

"It is, they own a Taco Bell." I smiled at her explanation. She shut the door but reached up onto her tippy toes, putting a small little lock into place. "It's so Charlie doesn't run off. The other doors have alarm systems to let us know if he tries to get out, so don't open them."


"How was work?"

"Much more difficult now that you're texting."

"You don't have to reply."

I didn't reply, we just had a seat in the very nice living room. I was talking to her when all you could hear was this very odd sound, like metal creaking. "What is that? It sounds like... chains?"

"It's Charlie, come on," she waved me up and I followed her down to a very nice completely finished basement. It was messy as sin, full of his toys and what I guessed was used as his therapy. There was Charlie, spinning very high, and very fast on a fabric rope. It was in the shape of a large U, of very stretchy fabric. He was running, squealing loudly as he ran and spun high and high. His back would arch and bend, his feet would extend far out. He was incredibly high.

"He's going to hit the ceiling."

"Nope." She smiled. "It's for his sensory, the spinning, the swinging, arching his back, it's good for him. It can hold up to I think six hundred pounds, and he will not hit the ceiling. That chain sound is the metal that holds it up squeaking together when he moves. He can whip around as much as he wants. Right Charlie?" she called. He kept spinning and spinning, slowing down so he could stop. She came over and he threw himself into her arms. "You know Niall."

The Mogul (Mature Niall Horan) | RepostedWhere stories live. Discover now