Chapter 2

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Glancing at the sheer confusion on Jennie's face, the lady burst out laughing. 

"Why do you look so shaken? Did my melodious doorbell catch you off-guard princess?" The woman said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"Yes, about that. Was that a fucking fire alarm?" She said in a raised voice. Jennie had a reputation for having a short temper and it was very apparent at the moment. The latter however seemed to find humor in the situation, infuriating the girl even more. 

"I don't know, was it?" Her eyebrows wiggling in the most irritating manner. 

Jennie had to hold back every atom in her body from uniting and whacking the woman in her face with the jute-bag she was carrying. Taking her therapist's advice, she took a deep breath and started counting to 10 softly. She stopped after reaching 5, hearing the foot-tapping by the latter. She was in full view now. 

The woman was wearing a white sundress which reached her calves. Her hair was loosely fixed into a claw clip, a few strands hanging over her face. Her face was oval-shaped, and she had dark eyes with slightly tinted cheeks. She wasn't very tall, just about Jennie's height and had very pretty (jennie hated to admit) pink, plump, heart-shaped lips. She looked too pretty to be without makeup, but it didn't look like it. A lot of her skin texture and a few dark spots were visible. And somehow, made her look like the embodiment of "the first love". 

But she was annoying as fuck. Jennie didn't even know her name yet but knew that they weren't going to click already. 

"I'm Jisoo." She said smiling brightly which turned her eyes into cresent moons.

Jennie hoped the woman would pull her hand away, as she really didn't want her hands mixed with muck on the latter's. Her hands were barely visisbe, it was all different kinds of paint splattered over it. 

"Jennie." She shortly said.

"Jennie kim? Haha your mother-in-law called me up and told me to personally assist you. She told me that you'd end up making the wedding look like a funeral, so you needed extra help."

Fuck that hag, Jennie thought to herself. 

"What do you mean by 'personally assisting' me? Are you not a wedding planner?" She asked questioningly. Almost as if to catch her in a lie.

The girl looking unoffended, replied simply, "Well you see love, I'm not exactly a professional. I'm a junior as for now. I just assist- not lead. But your mother-in-law hired me to get it done cheaper. You see usually it's my coworkers who take up weddings directly." Jennie felt her face go hot. That pathetic cheapskate of a woman. God! How was she going to put up with her for the rest of her life? 


"And now if you look to your right, that's our table manners classes. I know, bullshit right?

Jennie was getting a tour of the entire building (if you could call it that), by the Jisoo-lady. It was more like walking through an underground bunker. There were no other floors if you didn't count in the attic. A very big floor.

They had been walking for fifteen minutes straight and there still seemed a lot of places left to go. She just wished the woman would get the hint and realize that she simply does not give a fuck about where they make corny sashes that can be handed out during the wedding. Nowhere did the employees look too happy, but she noted that they looked the most unhappy in that particular section. A blonde employee infact looked like she was on her last straw as she wrote down "foodie of the gang" in calligraphy on an ugly green sash. 

After what seemed like a good thirty minutes, Jisoo led her into a closed room. Jennie stepped in and was hit by a wave of... garlic?

Noticing the girl's weirded-out expression, Jisoo giggled and said, "You don't like garlic do'ya? I actually stuffed a lot of garlic essence almost- everywhere. It was in hopes to catch a certain coworker of mine. He's a vampire. But he just won't admit it!" 

Jennie wasn't sure if the woman was joking or not, either way, she knew her wedding was doomed. 


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