Chapter 3

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"Sit down, sit down. Make yourself comfortable." The girl said, scurrying around the room grabbing a few files, and keeping some empty mugs on the windowsill to clear off her desk. 

"Thank you," she replied. Sitting down on the wooden chair and resisting the urge to clean up the entire room that very minute. She couldn't stand messy rooms. 

The lady offered her a can of orange soda, which Jennie promptly refused. 

"You know, when someone gives you something with love. You should take it. I'm giving this to you with love really. And maybe a tinge of sympathy... Hahah that's marriage for you!"

Jennie wondered why the woman always spoke like she had been married for thirty years but decided she would ask her about that later on. 

Jisoo pouted her lips as she continued to go through the pages of each file one by one. "Ha!" she suddenly said euphorically. Grabbing Jennie's attention, she continued, "Here it is. The wedding themes. This is the only part I like about my job, after... well never mind."

"So, you see, there a bunch of different kinds of themes for a wedding. The reception doesn't need any kind of a theme you know. It's just disco lights and a bunch of people getting drunk and dancing to the utter misfortune of two people."

"Isn't that called the bachelorette party-" Jennie intervened.

"Don't interrupt love. Anyway, so around what month is your wedding taking place?" Jisoo asked. 

"This month! Can't do it after. It has to be this month!" Jennie said sternly. The thing was that Jennie could only spare two months for this whole ordeal. If she took longer, her terrible boss (the 60-year-old principal, who she was 99% sure was suffering from dementia) would surely cut down on her salary. And she simply couldn't afford that to happen. She already got paid too little to put up with a bunch of idiotic, sleezy and know-it-all 10th graders. Add the wedding on top of it. Kai was pitching in from his old money (his grandfather was a doctor who helped make a cure for measles or something) but it still wasn't enough. 

Jennie, like always, had perfectly planned out her every move. She had decided that the wedding would take place inside a church (hence, no seating arrangement costs), the reception would take place in her parents' home, she would wear a very sparkly dress, 70 days for the wedding, bachelorette, reception etc., and 20 days for the honeymoon in Venice. It had to go according to it, or everything would be a disaster. 

"Okay, so wedding will take place sometime in November or around the end of this month itself, right?" 


"Hmm, a wedding in October... guess I'll have to scribble out a few themes, then we can decide." 


They had finalized on the theme and the flowers she wanted. Jennie thought all the themes were bullshit. Actually, the entire idea of having a 'theme' was bullshit. Can't she just get the ring, put on a dress and just leave? Anyway, she chose "sunny autumn" as it was the only one, she understood. 

For the flowers, without hesitation, Jennie said lilac. She loved those flowers. After which, she and Jisoo had a 10-minute quarrel in which Jisoo said lavenders were prettier and Jennie defended lilacs with her life. 

Keeping the empty can of soda down, she took a sigh of relief. She could go to sleep now.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later..." Jennie said slowly, getting up from her seat and feeling her wallet crying from the 120 dollars she had paid in the first meeting itself- she was to pay in installments. 

"Okay~ have a good day bride to be... Wait- watch out!" 

She collided with a big cardboard box a man was carrying, as he entered in the room. And the next thing Jennie knew, she was in the arms of Kim Jisoo- her wedding planner. 


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