Chapter 9

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She couldn't help but be pissed off in the most distasteful way after getting a taste of Jisoo's humor. If you could even call it that.

This wasn't even the first time she had pulled something like this. She should've known that this would be another funny gag. But when the older had asked her ever so softly, with her beautiful deep, husky voice. Turning around and looked at her with a worried gaze- she felt everything that had ever been inside her perfect little brain, turn into mush. Right there. 

Her face visibly reddening (just like before, but in an angry sense now), she turned on her heels and stomped forward, Jisoo, only a few steps behind her. 

Jennie could still hear the latter's stifled laughs, which seemed to have fueled due to her anger. 

"Hey! Jendueki, wait for me!"

"As if!" 


They ended up falling down on their butts together on the edge of the beach and the road. Laughing, Jennie held out her hand to the older. Grabbing it, Jisoo got on her feet, not quite leaving her hands. They were close. Just like they were a few days ago. 

An inexplainable feeling broke inside her. 

It was like being near a butterfly. Like you were cautious of your every move, careful to not scare it away, but all around- unsure of what to do. That was about the only way Jennie could explain it. 

They were closer that day when she was literally in her arms, but right now, with them gazing into each other's eyes, and not another soul in sight. It was something magical. Like a scene from a movie were the background music plays. 

"I'm sorry but you ladies are trespassing on a private property here", said a low voice. 

In front of them, stood a tall lady, very clearly from an affluent background, dressed head to toe in things Jennie was pretty sure she would have to spend a months' worth salary on. She had dark, glossy hair and a round face with huge eyes. She looked like a literal doll. The most expensive one on the shelf. 


Jennie turned her gaze to her wedding planner, who looked overjoyed as she widened her almond eyes and spread her heart lips into a radiant smile. She looked like she just found that one sock that was missing from the pair at eight in the morning. 

The unknown woman blinked. As though registering some kind of information. Slowly, her face broke into a smile as well as she ran into Jisoo's arms. "Oh my god", she heaved out. "I can't believe this. I mean- it's you!" 

Jennie was clearly missing some crucial piece of information here...

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