1. Game day.

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CHAPTER SONG: Beginning, middle,End- Leah Nobel.


My hat, where is my stupid embarrassing hat. I think throwing the closet open again for the millionth time and not finding it inside. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late and everyone is going to hate me. I curse myself and whatever forces put me in this stupid situation. There's a knock on my door and my sistser Kat opens the door and pokes her head in.

"We're going to be late and everyones going to hate us." She says.

I turn around and glare at her. She raises her hands in fear.

"Before you kill me remember I'm the only sister you have." She says.

I take a deep breath and ignore her. I keep searching my incredibly messy room till I see it poking out of the pile of towels I threw on the floor when I started searching for it.

"Oh thank God." I say putting it on my head and turning to Kat.

She takes one look at me and starts laughing. Everytime I think she's getting better.

"What?" I ask her standing in my band uniform. Okay so maybe the uniform is a little embarrassing with it's blue and white tracksuit with tassles around my wrists and ankles and my gaint hat. But I'm never going to admit it.

"You look so wierd." Kat says.

"Yeah well whatever." I spit and grab my backpack. Inside is everything I need to survive this stupid rugby match.

"Can we go now or are you going to keep laughing at me?" I ask Kat stepping past her into the bathroom.

I fix the little facepaint K on my face and try to stuff my afro neatly into my hat. Kat stands at the door and watches me.

"You really should just cut your hair already. I mean I'm all for the afro big brother but I think it's time for a change." She says.

As always she looks amazing in her cheer outfit with it's short blue and white skirt and shirt sleeve top. Kat has always been beautiful, people say it all the time. But latelyshe hit puberty and unlike me who got really bad acne and hair in places I never wanted she got a curvier body and boobs.

"Can we just go." I say grabbing her arm and pulling her with me downstairs.

We walk past dad trying to feed a very fussy Cameron.

"You guys can handle yourselves tonight right?" Dad asks trying to feed the toddler what looks like smashed pumpkin.

"Yes dad." Kat and I say before walking out before he can ask to take us again.

We make our way to the car and Kat climbs into the drivers seat. I block the door from closing.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

She looks up at me and bats her eyelids like she has no idea what I'm talking about.

"Driving us to the game." She says.

"No way." I answer.

"Why not" Kat complains.

"For starters you don't have a licence and I don't want to die in a fiery car crash and it's dark out so even if you did have one we would still most likely die in a fiery car crash." I answer.

I wave my hand telling her to move. Kat groans and shifts over to the passengers seat. I settle into my seat and start the car.

"I hate you." Kat pouts.

I laugh and pull into the street.

"Get in line." I answer.



It's just the first game of the season no big deal. I mean this game will set the pace of all the other games to come and everyone is counting on you to make sure we win but you know...no pressure or anything. I take another breath staring at my jittery leg. Beside me all the other rugby boys are looking just as nervous as I am. We trained all through most of the break and the first two months of school this year and yet here we are as scared as ever.

Coach walks out her brown box braids in a ponytail behind her head. She's wearing the teams school shirt with the badge of a little blue knight charging on it.

"Alright boys listen up." She says her voice is so full of authority that she doesn't need to shout to command our attention. "This is our first game this year and I know you're all scared and nervous about it but I have seen how hard you've all worked. I've seen the dedication you have put in."

She walks between us her voice echoing through the room.

"So I want you all to trust your training, trust your skills and most importantly trust your teammates..." I look down again and count my toes through my cleats to try and keep my cool. "And your new team captain."

All eyes fall on me as I raise my head. Coach walks over and hands me a new rugby shirt with a little C embroidered on it. She smiles and everyone explodes into applause. I get up slowly and face her with my arms behind my back trying not to let them see how terrified I am.

"I'm honoured coach." I manage to say.

She smiles at me her dimples showing on her copper skin.

"Congratulations Corey." She says and hands it to me.

I hold it in my hands and stare down at the 22, my number. I wanted a different one like a 30 or 40 something but Alec insisted it be 22. He said it would bring me good luck and so far nothing has proved him wrong. I smile down at it as I imagine how happy he'll be about this.

"Okay" coach says. "Enough dilly dally. Lets go slaughter some bears." She says and we all respond with screams and banging.

We make it to the hallway waiting for them to announce us. I pull off my old rugby shirt and put on the new one. With a new wave of hope pouring through me I clutch my butterfly necklace and wait for the band to start playing, the image of the smile I'm sure Alec will have playing over in my head.



Kat and I burst through the doors not a moment too soon. We race down the hallway to the field outside and find the band still setting up their instruments. I look over at my flutes box sitting in Arthurs hands. I look over at Kat and find her looking seriously pale. I grab her shoulders and shake her.

"Remember what we rehearsed and keep your arms up and you will be okay." I tell her.

She looks at me and nods.

"Go get em" I say pointing at where all the other cheerleaders are warming up.

She runs over to them and I watch her frizzy black hair till it fades out of sight. I walk over to Dez and run my hand through his hair. He groans and glares at me.

"Don't make me regret holding this for you." He says handing me my flute.

I lean over and kiss his cheek quickly.

"Thank you." I say and his face turns red.

Aside from Dez here I only really have one other friend. Corey Mars, the star rugby player who everyone will have their eyes on today. I set up my flute and take a deep breath clutching my flower necklace. Corey has one that looks just like it except his has a little golden butterfly while mine is a flower.

"Ready?" Dez asks as we get ready to start playing.

I put my flute to my lips and smile imagining Corey standing right below our feet ready to come out and take the field.

"Lets do this." I answer and we start playing.

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