9. Awkwardness

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CHAPTER SONG: Time Of Our Lives- Olivia Holt.



I race into the B&Bs kitchen with the box in my hand and wave it around for Corey to see. He looks up from his phone and shakes his head.

"What is it now?" He asks.

I put the box on the table and step back brimming with pride. Corey tilts his head and frowns.

"What am I looking at?" He asks.

I roll my eyes at him and open the box pulling out all the novels inside.

"It's the entire Heroes of Olympus book series." I announce.

Corey picks up 'The Mark Of Athena' and nods.

"Cool" he says putting it down and going back to his phone.

"You seriously disappoint me sometimes." I tell him grabbing the box off the table.

"Well sorry if a box full of books doesn't get my dick hard like you." Corey says.

"Of course not, slamming your body against sweaty muscular boys does." I add and he flips me off.

The bell at the front desk rings so I put the box away and leave Corey to his screen. Whoever is at the desk keeps ringing the bell like crazy.

"Jesus don't hurt yourself I'm coming you impatient-" the words die in my mouth when I see Charlie and one of his teammates. "Hi."

"Sorry, Leery here gets a little too enthusiastic sometimes." Charlie says swatting the guys hand off the bell.

Leery pulls his hand back in pain and stares at me. But all I can do is look at Charlie.

"Hi." He says his eyes sparkling.

He's wearing a black long sleeve sweater that's holding him in all the right places and jeans. There's rings on his fingers and he smells like old spice again.

"Hi." I say back and he smiles at me.

"Hey, your that kid who fell off the balcony at Jens party." Leery says breaking the spell I was under.

All the butterflies that were flying around in my stomach a second ago turn to concrete slabs that make me feel like my stomach is in a spin cycle.

"Yep, that's me." I admit.

I don't know what's worse, being labelled a kid or being labelled the kid who almost died in front of everyone.

"Awesome. So are you like okay?" Leery asks.

He's hot with smooth bronze skin and brown eyes that look at me in a way that makes me want to turn into melted butter.

"Yeah, just a broken wrist." I say showing him my cast.

He reaches over the table and examines it like it's made of gold.

"Cool." He says.

"Okay wierdo leave Alec alone." Charlie says moving Leerys hand.

Hearing him say my name like that makes it impossible for me not to smile.

"We're uh having a clothing drive for charity at school tomorrow. We just thought maybe you and your dad would like to contribute." Charlie says.

"Of course." I answer very quickly.

"Really? That's great we need all the help we can get." Charlie says.

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