18. Sparks in the sky

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CHAPTER SONG: Firework- Katy Perry.



I hand Caleb his drink and start sipping my own. He grabs it and goes back to watching Isaac and Kyle continue to awkwardly assemble the fireworks on the beach. We drove here an hour early because we thought we would miss the fireworks since we live so far away. It turns out the idiots planning the thing don't have a spare brain cell between them.

Isaac stabs one of the rockets into the sand and holds his hands up victoriously like he did something amazing. His idiot friends cheer and tackle him which only causes one of them to knock the rest of the already secured rockets over. Caleb and I can't contain our laughter.

"Wassup." Conner says appearing behind me.

"Where have you two been?" Caleb asks when Alec joins snatching his drink from him. He takes a sip and frowns.

"What is this?" He asks gagging.

"A virgin blood Mary." Caleb says.

"So spiced tomato juice." Alec says and Caleb laughs at him.

"Someone has to be the responsible one and drive us home when all of this is over." Caleb jokes eyeing Conner and I.

We collectively roll our eyes at him.

"What are you guys looking at anyway?" Conner asks.

"Dumbasses in the wild." Caleb says pointing out the group of boys who are now struggling to figure out how to get the rockets back in formation.

"Shouldn't they be done now?" Alec asks tilting his head.

"Well setting up fireworks is kinda rocket science right?" Caleb suggests.

"No it's not." I laugh.

"We should help them." Alec says snatching my cup this time and chugging it.

"We?" Caleb asks.

Alec grabs his hand. "Yep." He leads a reluctant Caleb towards the fireworks display.

Aside from the failing fireworks the festival is off to a great start. It's held in the valley between the mountains. There's different coloured lanters and lamp posts set up all over the place bathing the place in light. Booths and stalls sell all kinds of food and trinkets ech decorated with golden lights and white streamers.

Everyone is dressed in elaborate costumes, beight reds and yellows and blues in an attempt to outshine the actual fireworks. The town sponsors the fireworks festival, it's a great way to build up moral and raise money. I have no shortage of memories of going to them with my brothers and...dad. The thought of him spoils my mood.

"So Alec..." Conner says watching him and Caleb gather the group of jocks instructing them in how to set up the display. "Do you know his sort of boyfriend."

The question makes me blink hard with confusion.

"What?" I ask my brother.

"He said he kind of has one and I want to know if it's like serious or not." Conner says.

"Did something happen?" His eyes tell me as much, he watches Alec like he's the one exploding with colour instead of the fireworks.

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