7. Pool water

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CHAPTER SONG: Misery- Maroon 5



In my school the student favourite sport and also the most funded sport is rugby. People go bat shit crazy for it, they buy merch and giant teddy bears that they dress in the teams shirt for games. It's the reason why so many of the schools former students went on to play it professionally. It's also the whole reason why Corey and I thought it was a good idea for him to join, or more accurately he thought it was a good idea and I just went along with it because it made him happy.

Anyway, rugby is so popular at school it's easy to neglect the other sports, like swiming for example. When Dez, Mandy and I walked into the pool room I notice the crowd w
is much smaller than the one usually at rugby practice.

"Not a very big turn out." Mandy points out seeing what I do.

"Most people are watching the rugby team practicing. It's their first practice since their win last week, apparently it's a big deal." Dez explains and then looks at me apologetically.

"Still, I expected more people to be here." I add as we make our way up to the highest level of the bleachers.

"Rugby and swim season overlap each other, there's too many conflicting games." Dez says.

That's not going to be a problem at all. I think and sigh inwardly.

"So, how was your first week at this hell institution we call Endwood high?" I ask Mandy.

She shrugs and smiles.

"It's great actually. My old school was nothing like this." She says happily.

"Less sports crazed students?" Dez asks.

"Well, yes, yall are a bit over the top crazy about them that is true. But mostly what I mean is this place is better. I mean the teachers are so hands on with thier students and everyone is so nice." Mandy says.

I exchange a look with Dez. See what sweet, innocent and extremely attractive Mandy here doesn't realise is that people are nice to her because she is innocent and extremely attractive. Which is not a bad thing, but it also makes her ignore the fact that today after firts period Mr Harper the headmaster thought it was a great idea to try and facilitate a fri endship between the three of us because we 'can understand each others diverse backgrounds'.

What he really meant was it should be easy for the three of us to be friends because we are part of the very few Black kids at this school. Coach blows the whistle and the four swimmers dive into the water. People cheer as they start moving up and down along the pools length.

"And there they go. Human beings are supposed to be so evolved and yet we go crazy watching people paddle around in pool water." Dez says leaning on his palm.

"If you don't like swiming then why are you here?" Mandy asks.

"I don't know Mandy, why don't you ask Alec over there?" He says looking at me.

"Hey, I just wanted us to try new things." I answer unwrapping a stick of chewing gum.

I get up and go toss the paper in the trash. When I look down at it all I can think about is Corey and how mad he is at me.

The race ends and the swimmers start exiting the pool. My eyes, like metal shavings to a magnet, find Charlie. He steps out of the pool so smoothly and effortlessly it almost seems impossible. He walks out with water dripping down his toned chest and lean legs. His hair is sticking to his face and in this moment I'm jealous of the pool water on his skin.

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