4. Furniture

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CHAPTER SONG: Believe In Love- Marina.



I make my way back to the kitchen and find Mandy exactly where I left her. She looks up at me and smiles nervously, I think I make her nervous.

"Hey. Did you find him?" She asks.

"Nope. I've searched every bathroom here and he's just not there." I tell her.

I take a seat next to her and sigh.

"You're worried about him?" Mandy asks.

"Yeah, a little." I lie.

"A lot." Mandy corrects. "I can see it in your face. "

She's right, I am extra worried.

"Is it about the whole suicide thing?" Mandy asks.

Her words almost make me jump out of my skin.

"Keep it down." I warn her looking around to make sure no one heard.

"Oh I'm sorry. Is it like a secret or something?" She asks.

"Well it's not exactly something you advertise to everyone you know." I add. "Why did Alec tell you anyway?"

"Like I said, we're friends." Mandy says.

My stomach twists again. The idea of this random girl casually telling me who Alecs friends are makes me mad.

"I know all of Alecs friends." I add angrily.

Mandy stares at me but I ignore her and catch sight of Jens red hair. I follow it to the other side of the room.

"Hey Jen." I greet.

"Corey the superstar." She says her words falling out of her mouth.

Jen doesn't look good, her make-up is smudged and her red hair is a mess. But that doesn't stop her from inspiring a group of people from following her around longing for even a hint of her favour.

"I'm looking for Alec. He said he needed a bathroom but I can't find him." I tell her.

Jen leans on my arm looking totally wasted.

"I saw him walk into my brothers room. Everyone always ends up in my brothers room." She says and starts laughing.

"You mean Charlie?" I ask her.

Jen nods and walks past me as music blasts in the room and people start screaming.

What would Alec be doing with Charlie Todd?



I never expected to enjoy spending time with Charlie Todd. But here I am watching him sweep up pieces of his destroyed lava lamp. Charlie finishes up and sits down next to me on his bed.

"Feeling any better, because I don't think I can take anymore property damage." He jokes.

"So what is the story with your dad anyway?" I ask a little too bluntly than I intended.

"I'll tell you, only if previous rules apply. One of my secrets for one of yours." Charlie says.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Fine." I hold out my pinky for him.

Charlie looks at it and chuckles before pinky swearing.

"My dad is...an asshole. He split from my mom when I was a baby and she married Jen's dad soon after that."

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