13. His Other Half

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My feet drum on the sidewalk as I race down the street. My lungs are burning and my head pulsing with blood but I don't stop. After my temporary sabbatical from rugby at Alecs request I've been practising harder to keep up with the others. That means a few extra laps around the neighbourhood after school.

My wrist beeps as my alarm reminds me to stop. I ignore it and race home. I run past my front gate to find my mom's car parked in the driveway. She opens the door and smiles at me with plastic bags in her hands.

"You wanna help me out?" She smiles and I tackle her in a hug.

She's been longer than usual, almost three weeks and it's been torture having her gone. Spending most nights at Alecs house helped but I can't dismiss the fact that I missed my mom. She pulls away and holds a strand of ny hair in her fingers.

"Still refusing to get a haircut then?" She asks playfully.

"You just got back, lets not ruin it by talking about my hair." I joke grabbing the bags from her hands.

My mom is my world, she's my favourite person in the world, aside from Alec. When my parents split up and my brothers and I were asked who we wanted to live with there was no question for me. My dad was practically a stranger and I couldn't imagine life without my mom.

We walk into the kitchen with the sound of me recreating the teams first season game to my mom echoing off the walls.

"There's your other half, I was wondering how long it would be till I saw you." Mom says when she sees Alec.

He runs at her and they hug almost as tightly as we did outside.

"So how's everything I want to hear all about the stuff that I missed." Mom says putting his arm around him.

"Hey I wasn't done with my story yet." I complain putting bags on the counter.

"Well not everyone enjoys hearing about putters and halfway lines Corey." Alec teases.

I stick my tongue at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Manners children." Mom warns.

The rest of the day goes by in a blissful blur. Alec stays over for dinner while the three of us swap stories. My mom describes Canada for us and how beautiful it is there, all the limited amount of things she got to see inbetween work. Hearing about her travles is always bitter sweet, I'm happy she went but it still hurts that she experienced all of that stuff without me.

"Did you get to see the Sydney operate house?" Alec asks.

"No, it was far too crowded. I did get to walk the beach though, that was exciting." Mom looks at me. "I also saw your father and your brothers."

My heart falls into my stomach while Alec chokes on his food.

"What were thet doing there?" I ask.

"Your dads anniversary is coming up and he wants to plan a trip for the whole family. They were checking out Sidney to see if they would like to go there." Mom says her tone shifted into the one she uses right before a lecture.

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