5. Erectile issues

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CHAPTER SONG: Feeling Good- Sofi Tukker



I walk into the B&B and find Alec in the supply closet packing things away. I lean on the door and watch him drop a bag of flour. He clutches the cast on his hand and winches in pain.

"Should you really be doing that with your wrist all fucked up?" I ask.

Alec yelps and turns around. I laugh as he rolls his eyes.

"Well this is the punishment my dad decided on for last weekends antics." He says.

"Stocking the supply closet?" I ask helping him put away some cereal boxes.

"Oh not just that, I work here now." Alec says showing me the apron he has on.

I cover my mouth to hide my laughter.

"And I thought you looked cute in your band costume." I say under my breath.

"What?" Alec asks.


He rolls his eyes again and puts away some bottles of Olive oil.

"Why are you here anyway?" He asks.

"Would you believe me if I said I missed you?" I ask smilling sweetly.

Alec turns around and puts his hand on his hips.

"I would if you were a really good person. But we both know that you and I are the scum of the Earth." He says walking past me.

I shrug at his comment and follow him into the kitchen. He turns on the stove and puts a pan on it. When he turns around again I see there's flour in his hair.

"So what do you really want?" He asks.

I look at him and stand a little closer. I reach over and fluff the flour out of his hair. It was supposed to be this small meaningless gesture but when I look at Alec standing inches away from me my heart starts to beat a little faster.

"I...uh felt bad about the other day. Y-you know with Charlie." I answer very badly tripping over my own words.

"I already told you that wasn't your fault dummy." Alec says and all I can do is stare at his lips.

My own lips start tingling at the thought of pressing them on his. It's only when the pan starts sizzling that the spell is broken and I step away from Alec so he can attend to it.

When he does I look down and I'm suddenly made aware of what's going on in my pants. What the fuck. I curse my member and hide my erection with the table.

Alec cracks some eggs on the stove while I take a seat with my legs crossed. He eyes me suspiciously.

"You feeling okay?" He asks.

"Mhh hmm." I answer.

I have no idea what is going on with me. I clear my throat and smile at Alec. He shrugs and goes back to making his eggs while I silently scold my pants. When he's done he puts some bacon on the stove and turns around quickly like he just remembered something.

"I need you." He says.

His words make my brain fuzzy.

"Huh?" I ask both hoping I did and didn't hear him right.

Alec walks over and sits next to me. Having him so close makes my throat dry.

"You have to work here with me or I'll die." He says.

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