17. "The part where you say 'I do' "

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CHAPTER SONG: The Good Side- Troye Sivan.



"Yes dad I'll remember." My dads worried voice through the phone makes me roll my eyes.

"I'll call you tomorrow." He says and I hang up the phone before he can find something else to complain about.

I toss the phone on the bed and face the wall. My door swings open with Conner standing behind it with his hands over his eyes.

"Are you decent?" He asks peeking through his fingers.

I chuckle and shake my head at his antics.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

Conner smiles and our limited interactions have taught me to associate that smile with mischief. He's wearing a pink sweater and matching shorts, he smiles wider and leans on the door.

"Take a walk with me?" He says sticking out his lower lip.

He makes me blush my face turning hot.

"Isn't there someone else you would rather entertain yourself with?" I joke.

Conner sits next to me and I make the mistake of looking into his eyes.

"Maybe. But I want you." He says.

Every rational part of myself tells me not to listen to him. But the other parts of me really like the idea of being alone with him.

"Okay." My voice is small and submissive which makes Conner smile again.

"Great." He grabs my hand and leads me to the door.


The night air is warm and smells sweet. Conner took me out the back road of the estate towards the grape fields. They're everywhere, growing around the little path we're walking down, the moonlight pours over them creating an eerie scene. The stars are out as well, littered across a vast sky that seems to go on forever.

I was sceptical about Conners proposal, but that all faded away when I realised how beautiful it is.

He's telling me a story about how his family came to own the estate. He's a great story teller, speaking with his body, his eyes sparking like moonlight reflected in water drops. I laugh more than I expect to, everytime I do Conner looks at me with so much sincere interest it makes me blush again.

"Okay so I understand the whole moonlit walk and story telling. But this couldn't have been your entire plan right?" I ask him playfully.

Conner walks backwards his eyes finding mine. His hair looks darker in the moonlight, like wavy lines of ink. He holds out his hand and bites his lip.

"You got me. There's something else I want to show you." He says.

My hand moves on it's own finding his waiting fingers. Without warning Conner starts running dragging me into joining. Our laughter spreads over the grape fields as we go racing down the dirt road.

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