2. Blue token.

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CHAPTER SONG: Water Me- Lizzo.



We won the game. As soon as we did the stands exploded with cheers and my teammates tackled me as confetti rained down onto the field. It was close but somehow I managed to win the game for us. The announcers voice booms through the speakers as he starts celebrating too. My teammates start running off the field to get changed. As I follow behind them I look up and see where the band was playing.

I search for Alecs face and find him walking away dragging his arm across the railing. I yell for him and he stops looking everywhere besides right below where the rugby field is. I smile and drop my helmet and shoulder pads. Getting a running start I jump as high as I can and grab the railing my feet resting on the small ledge of concrete.

"Boo" I yell making Alec stumble.

He glares at me angrily at first till he realises how dangerous what I'm doing is.

"Are you fucking insane?" He asks grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to the railing.

I laugh and purposely hang off it with one hand which only makes him angrier.

"Oh relax. I've got it under control." I add.

He shakes his head clearly not amused.

"Did you see me win the game?" I ask biting my lip.

Alec sighs in his band costume. On most people the costume looks wierd and kind funny but on him it looks different...adorable even.

"Yes, I saw you carry the egg shaped ball all the way past the giant H." He says and smiles shamelessly.

"You have no clue how this sport works do you?" I ask.

Alec scoffs and tries to laugh my comment off.

"What...no of course I...okay no I have clue what the hell has been happening ever since the game started." He admits.

I roll my eyes at him and turn away mocking anger. Alec grabs my shirt and pulls me back before I can jump back down to the field.

"You can't blame me okay. Sports just aren't my thing." He says pouting.

I glare at him but he continues and even starts trying to make puppy dog eyes at me which only serves to make me laugh.

"Okay okay whatever." I say laughing.

A group of parents walk by and congratulate me on winning the game. I smile at them as I say thank you.

"You know sometimes I forget what a stereotypical rugby player you are." Alec says.

"Oh what and you're not a walking stereotype mr I'm a gay geek so I know nothing about sports and join the school band." I add.

Alec rolls his eyes at me but I can see a smile forming on his face. It dies when he looks at me standing on this ledge again.

"Would you please get down I'm getting scared." He says.

I groan dramatically.

"Fine. But there's a huge party at Jens house to celebrate later and we are totes going." I tell him. "Did I say that right 'totes?'" I add mocking him.

"First of all shame on you for like mocking my lingo, and second I'm not going to some pompous Jenifer Bush party." Alec says.

"Oh come on please, the whole school is going to be there. It'll be fun." I beg.

Alec leans on the railing across from me and plasters on a fake smile.

"Being trapped in a house with a bunch of steroid filled boys and bitchy stuck up girls. What could possibly go wrong?" He says.

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