3. What the fuck is happening?

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CHAPTER SONG: Like That- Bea Miler



I've been looking for Alec for an hour now and he's nowhere to be seen. I make my way into the kitchen and only find a girl making coffee. I bite my lip starting to get worried about him.

"Hey, have you seen my friend. Black hair, kinda short and annoying answers to Alec?" I ask the girl.

She turns to me and I'm struck by how beautiful she is. Her eyes take me in and it makes me uncomfortable, like she's too pretty to be looking at someone like me.

"Oh Alec. He was here a second ago, that guy is seriously the best." The girl saying smilling as if remembering some fond memory.

I stare at her confused and a little jealous of her familiarity to him.

"And you are?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Oh sorry, I'm Mandy. Alec and I are friends." She says.

"I'm Corey. Alecs best friend." I add.

She smiles even wider and actually laughs again.

"The famous Corey. All that boy does is talk about you." Mandy says.

"I guess. Do you know where he went?" I ask.

"Oh the bathroom. He said he needed to wash his face." Mandy says.

I turn around and sigh at how much work looking for him in a house with 5 bathrooms is going to be.

"Thanks." I tell Mandy and set out.


Song: This is how you fall in love- Jermy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler


I'm starting to sober up...right?  My head feels less dizzy and I can walk in an almost straight line now. The only problem is my feet still hurt. So now I'm looking for a bedroom to take a short nap in. Sadly the last 3 I tried had some very horny people rolling around naked inside of them. So now I'm at the end of the house despirate for an empty room. I find one and throw it open.

The room is empty and the bed is huge. I run in and shut the door before throwing myself on the bed. An insane giggle escapes me as I marvel at how soft the bed is. I roll back and forth on it giggling like a school girl. Okay so maybe I'm still kinda drunk.

When I'm satisfied with my little game I look around at this mysterious room. Looking through someone's personal space is creepy AF and rude. See a sober version of me knows that, but like we've already established I'm not sober.

So I continue rummaging the room opening whatever I can and then getting bored with the mundane items inside them. I flip through a book and stumble knocking over a lava lamp that must have fallen through time because who still buys those. The lamp smashes on the floor and my drunken brain finds that insanely funny.

Eventually I go out the door into the hallway. I stumble and slam into a boy walking towards the room I just trashed. It's Charlie Todd, Jens estranged stepbrother and he's not happy with me.

We hold eye contact for a while and Charlie looks mad. I smile at him as best I can and he galres back not amused.

"What are you doing up here, the party is downstairs" He says it with an angry face and I laugh in his face. "Are you brain damaged or something?"

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