Part 79

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Dixie's pov:
Luna and her parents just came home so me and cooper went to the living room .

C: hi guys
L: dix I got you something!
C: before you give it to her , Dixie wanna tell you something
D: I-I broke up with Noah and now I'm dating cooper ( fake smiles)
L: WHAT ?? Dixie are you dumb? Why did you do that?
D: I just fell in love with your brother ! ( thinks: eww I would never do that )
L: you're a f@cking bitch Dixie ! We're not friends anymore! F@ck you ! Oh and I was about to give you this ( throws a box on her ) but you don't deserve it. And you cooper , I didn't expect that from you ! I hate both of you!! ( goes to her room )
Mr.madden: that was so unexpected ( gives Dixie a dirty look then goes to their room )
Mrs.madden: ( gives them a dirty look then follows her husband)
D: ( starts crying )look what you did ! You made me look bad in front of your parents and Luna !
C: stop this ! And I don't care about what they think , all I want is you
D: ( opens the box and sees this )

madden: ( gives them a dirty look then follows her husband) D: ( starts crying )look what you did ! You made me look bad in front of your parents and Luna ! C: stop this ! And I don't care about what they think , all I want is you D: ( opens the b...

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D: Omg ( starts crying more ) I really hate you cooper
C: idc , go to my room now.
D ( rolls her eyes and goes to his room )

Noah's pov :
I finished the meeting and we went to eat lunch. We arrived at the restaurant and sat in our table.

M: Noah are you okay ?
N: no
M: what's wrong?
N: your daughter broke up with me, again
M: why ??
N: idk , I just wanna go back to la and talk to her.
M: just one more week .
N: ( sighs ) I want to cry but I can't , I'm used to her breaking my heart .
M: dw son .
N: but I also feel like she was forced to do it
M: how ?
N: I don't kno- ( gets a call from Luna and answers ) hey
L: are you okay ?
N: mhm
L: don't ever go back to that bitch
N: I don't think I am
L: yeah don't . You know she's dating cooper rn
N: what ?? Cooper ??
L: yes and she said she fell in love with him ! Such an idiot
N: why cooper ?
L: idk ! He's literally so disgusting
N: ( sighs ) im gonna hang up now ( hangs up )
M: was it Luna ?
N: mhm , I really don't want to talk to anyone
M: i I understand you

Dixie's pov:
Now me and cooper are in his room and he's rubbing my boobs. He thinks that he's making me wet but he's not . I grabbed my phone and went to the messages . I saw that I blocked Noah's number, but I didn't do it !

D: did you touch my phone?
C: yeah
D: did you blocked Noah ?
C: yup
D: are you kidding me cooper ??! You can't do this to the poor guy !
C: yes I can ! Now keep your f@cking mouth shut or I'll make you suck my d*ck rn !
D: no cooper ! You can't keep controlling me !!
C: on your knees
D: no !
C: ( pushes her on the floor then takes off his boxer ) now suck it
D: no !
C: ( pushes her head so she started sucking it ) mmmmhhhh yeahhh
D: ( trying not to suck it hard )
C: such harder !!
D: ( sucks him hard )
C: ( cums in her mouth after 10 minutes)
D: ( runs to the bathroom and spits it out then brushes her teeth ) That was so disgusting ewww
C: next time , when you suck my d*ck , you'll swallow the cum
D: yeah okay
I know this chapter is so short but the next one will be so long .

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