𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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"Peter! Help me with these boxes damn it!" You called out to your younger brother as he ran off to take a look at the new house. You huffed as you began to wobble your way into the house. You had to admit, this house was pretty nice, to top that, the neighborhood was even nicer. But you were still kind of pissed you had to move away from your old school. You already missed all of your friends.. but right now was no time for thinking.

       You sat down the extremely heavy boxes that you had been carrying and shot a glare at your brother who was watching you. "Why the fuck didn't you help me?! Did you not hear me calling your name?" You say, straightening your back and pushing your h/c hair out of your eyes. You loved your hair to death but it got annoying quite a bit when your curls got in the way.

     You see, curly hair runs in the family. So just about everyone has curly hair, well, at least on your mom's side of the family. "I'm sorry! You don't have to be a jerk!" He shouted back at you giving you the same scowl you had gave him. You rolled your eyes and continued unpacking because as usual, your parents were off next door talking to your aunt and uncle.

About 2 hours has passed and you finally got all of the boxes inside of your house. "Do you know when mom and dad is gonna be home?" Peter asks you. You sigh, "Nope, we are most likely gonna have to do it Al-" you began to say but then suddenly your doorbell rang. You turn to the door as Peter shoots across the room to open it. Once he opens, you see standing at the door your two cousins, Mike and Nancy Wheeler. "Oh my god, Nancy!!" You shout with a smile and she runs over to you and hugs you.

      One thing that sucked about living in California was that you never got to see your favorite cousins, Nancy and Mike. "Y/n! I missed you so much! I'm so happy you are here, I can't wait for you to meet my friends! You can hang with us!" She says sounding super excited, making you laugh.

       You look over Nancy's shoulder towards Mike who was talking to Peter. He noticed you look and shoots you a smile and a light wave. You smile back at him and wave back. Finally after standing in the same spot for a while, Nancy breaks the hug. "Here let me help you with your room! Mike, help Peter with his!" Nancy says to you then shouts to her brother. "Whatever." He says trying to hide his excitement. Mike and Nancy really never got along, just about everyone knew that by now.

You and Nancy quickly grabbed the cardboard boxes with your name on it and ran upstairs, your brother following close behind. "I call the bigger room!" You shout and run into there. "Hey! No fair Y/n!" He shouts grumpily. "I'm the oldest, so yeah, it's fair you say with a smirk. He scoffs and flips you off before going into his room. You and Nancy laugh before sitting the boxes down on the carpet of your room. "No wonder Mike and Peter get along so well." Nancy says with a giggle. This made you laugh. "Yeah, literally." You say before pulling a pocket knife out of your blue Jean shorts. You fixed the belt of your shorts before cutting open all of the boxes.

       After about 2 hours you finally got everything unpacked and situated. By now it was dark out. It was almost winter so days were much shorter, in fact, there was only 25 days until Winter. You checked the time on your watch before sitting down on your now made bed. "It's 7:00, do you want to just stay the night? I don't think Aunt Karen and Uncle Ted will care since we are neighbors now." You say to Nancy while she grabbed the last thing out of your box. "Yeah sure but I'll have to grab clothes and stuff, unless you want to stay at my place!" She says with a smile. "Yeah sure!" You say with a smile back. Suddenly she unfolds your pride flag. "Where do you want this?" She asks you. "Oh! Just ummm.. put it over my bed." You say. Suddenly Nancy climbs and stands on your bed and puts up the flag. Finally, after many long hours, your room was done. You looked around and admired the scenery.

(What your bedroom looks like! Well for the most part haha, some things are different since it's the 1980's but this is what it basically looks like <3)

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(What your bedroom looks like! Well for the most part haha, some things are different since it's the 1980's but this is what it basically looks like <3)

You loved your new room. Maybe moving wasn't that bad after all. But you still really missed the ocean and your friends. You went through a pretty big change moving. You went from nice and sunny California to Indiana, where the weather could be 100 degrees on minute then 20 degrees the next. You laughed at the thought of the change.

     "What are you laughing about?" Nancy asks you while sitting in one of your chairs by the window. "Oh nothing, just thinking about stuff. You quickly grabbed your backpack and packed a pair of clothes. "You ready?" She asks you standing up. "Definitely!" You say smiling. You both quickly turn off the lights and run downstairs. "I'm staying at Nancy's, have fun boys!" You shout before quickly shutting the front door. You followed Nancy all the way to her house.

After a couple of minutes you were up in her room getting a bed ready on the ground. "Do you need any more pillows or blankets?" Nancy asks you while getting into her bed covering herself up with the blankets. "Nope! I'm good!" You say laying down, covering yourself up with the pale pink fuzzy blanket. You were wearing lavender and white striped shorts with a plain lavender shirt to match, all of it outlining every curve of your body but still very comfy. But the problem was that you were chilly but there wasn't much you could do.

Finally after the both of you got comfy, Nancy turns off the light and you both fall into a quick warm sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for Y/n Wheeler. But little did you know, it wasn't going to be just tomorrow. Moving to Indiana was going to change your life forever.

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now