ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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   School finally ended and you were pretty quick to get out of there. You didn't need to be at Barb's until 10 pm. You weren't sure why so late but she said you could stay the night so you didn't care.

     You were on your way to Nancy's place to hang out for a bit, whether if it was with Nancy herself or Mike.

    It was hard to believe that November is already here. Today was November the 10th, there had been many search parties for Will. But you had a feeling they would find him soon. You didn't know why you had this strong feeling, but you did.

Finally you pull up in front of Nancy's house. You put your car in park then head inside. Before you went in, you knocked. You could hear people shuffling around but nobody opened the door.

    So you walked in. You didn't really need to knock because you were family and they were used to you showing up unexpectedly. Once you walked in, you shut the door quietly behind you. You sit your stuff down at the door and begin heading upstairs, but then you hear a bunch of loud talking.

"Well what are we going to do with her?!" You hear Lucas say, sounding irritated. "I don't know!" Mike yells sounding stressed.

    You slowly make your way down the stairs and stand there, trying not to make a sound. You look and see the boys, but beside them was a boy with a shaved head. But there was something different about him. You had never seen him before and he was wearing Nancy's old dress.

    You already knew she wouldn't like him wearing it.  But you decided to text Barb where you were before bringing anything up. Sometimes she would pick you up early.

     "Hey boys, who is th-"  suddenly you feel a force pin you up against the wall. You eyes widen as you arms raise and the back of your hands hit the wall. You were unable to move and you could feel your nose bleeding.

    You looked over to the boy who had his arm raised and his hand was facing you. His nose was bleeding as well as his stare pierced through you.

     You could hear muffled yelling as your vision went blurry. Suddenly he let go and you dropped to the ground. All you you hear was someone yelling out for you.

    "Barb...." You say quietly before everything went black.

          You begin to slowly open your eyes. You blinked the blurry away and looked around. You were laying in the legs of someone. You looked up and seen it was the boy... well... girl. You could tell she was a girl now that you got a closer look at her.

     "Awake..." she says and looks at you. You smile at her, her giving you a taken back look. You slowly sit up from her lap. Soon after you sit up, a drop of your blood drops from your nose to your hand.

    "Sorry.." she says and looks down. You look at her and flash her a apologetic smile.

   "It's okay! What's your name?" You ask her.

   "Eleven, we call her El." Mike says to you. "She can't talk very good." He says once again making you nod.

    "Well I could teach you!" You say to her. ".. teach..?" She asks you sounding confused. "Yes! That's when you show someone how to do something." You say. You watched as she slowly got up while you stayed in your spot sitting.

    "I'd like that." She says, giving you a small soft smile. You smile back. You were beginning to really like Eleven. Then suddenly you got flashbacks from earlier.

    "Wait, how did you do that to me earlier?" You ask her. "She has mind powers." Mike says. You look at him shocked then look at her as she nods. "What...how..?" You say confused.

    "We aren't for sure, she said there were bad men after her." Mike says while the other two boys agree. "Yeah, we found the weirdo in the woods while looking for Will." Lucas says crossing his arms.

    It was obvious he didn't like her.

    "But her powerths are cool!" Dustin says excitedly.

    Out of all of Mike's friends, Dustin was definitely your favorite. He is so adorable.

   You shoot Dustin a smile, which he smiles back too.

    "Where is my brother? Does he know about Eleven?" You ask. "He went home because of a project but yes." Lucas says. "Okay." You say.

    Suddenly you hear the door slam shut and hear someone start running where you all were.

   "By the way, I called Barb. Just in case you didn't wake up. But don't tell her what really happened, we shouldn't tell many people yet." Mike says as Eleven hides behind him.

    Soon you see the panicked ginger running to you. You slowly stand up and wipe your nose and she pulls you into a tight hug.

  "God you scared me!" She says with a sigh of relief that you were okay. You tried to say something but it got muffled out because your face was smashed against your girlfriend's chest.

  Finally she lets go and you take in a sharp deep breath. "Dear god, were you trying to kill me?" You ask Barbara laughing. She rolls your eyes at you. "What happened? Mike called me panicking saying you got hurt." She says studying you, looking to see if there is something else wrong.

    "I just randomly got a nose bleed and the sight of it made me black out I guess." You say to her. "Well please be careful next time." She says frowning at you. "I will, I will." You say and smile at her. She slowly gives in and smiles back at you as well.

You grab your phone and check the time.

"It's 7pm. Wanna go ahead and head?" You ask Barbara. "Sure!" She says smiling. "I'll talk to you boys later." You say to them. They all yell bye while El secretly waves at you, trying not to be noticed by Barb.

You both walk to your cars and give each other a kiss before splitting. You start up your car and follow her to her house. Luckily you already had your bag packed in your car. But as you drove away from the house, you watched them all pile onto their bikes and pedal the opposite way as you, towards Hawkins lab.

Everyone knew their was a lab here but just ignored it. It's not like they would do anything bad, right?

Soon you pull up to her house.

You park behind her house and grab your bag before heading inside.

"Hello Mrs. Holland!" You say to her. "Hello sweetie! Barb, you didn't tell me your friend was coming so soon!" She says with a laugh and smiles at the both of you. You kind of giggle and look towards Barb.

"Sorry mom!" She says and she quickly goes to her room. You follow quickly behind, passing her dad sitting in the chair asleep.

   Soon you both get to her room and relax.

    "Want to just watch movies tonight?" She asks you. "Of course hun!" You say to her smiling. So you both change into pajamas and cuddle while watching a movie, leaving your thoughts about Will and Eleven behind you.

     Tomorrow would be the opposite of this.

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now