ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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You wake up to the sound of Nancy's alarm going off. You blink you eyes a couple times before sitting up slowly. You rub your eyes to get the sleep out of them before checking her alarm clock to see what time it was. It was 6:30 am, school didn't start until 8:00 am. "What time are we leaving the house?" You ask her. "Probably about 7:30." She says also rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Okay, fine by me." You say and slowly get up and grab the clothes that you had packed. You walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind you, making sure to lock it before stripping. You put on your clothes and look at yourself in the mirror.

 You put on your clothes and look at yourself in the mirror

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(What you were wearing)

You smile and fix your jacket before beginning to style your hair. You began by brushing it out, making sure it was completely unknotted. Once you finished brushing out your hair you decided to just wear it down. (If you have curly hair and any kind of hair that's hard to wear down, pretend you put stuff in it so you could )
You smile and unlock the bathroom door. You grab your pajamas and walk back into Nancy's room and shove them into your bag with all your other stuff.
       "Also, don't you dare out me to anyone, got it?" You say to Nancy in a serious tone. "Yes ma'am." She says with a laugh. "I'm serious! I'm already a little nervous as it is." You say twirling your h/c hair in your fingers. "You will do great n/n, trust me. Plus me and my friends will help you!" She says with a smile. "Your friends?" You ask wondering exactly how many people she talking about, you didn't feel like making a big deal on your first day. You were still getting used to everything.

         "Yeah! Barb, Fred, and I!" She says and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Hm... fine." You say and she smiles at you. "Good! You ready to go? It's almost 7:30." She says and grabs her backpack. "Yup!" You say and follow her out to her car.

      Once you climb into the passenger's seat and put your backpack into your lap. "By the way, we are gonna go pick up Barb." She says and starts the car. "That's fine!" You say with a smile. "Okay! I'm sure you will like her." She says as she slowly starts driving away from the house.

After about 5 minutes, we pull up to what you assume is Barb's house, it really wasn't that far from Nancy's house, and yours. She could easily just walk there actually. You look out of the window at her house while you both wait on her.

    Suddenly, you see a short-haired ginger rub towards the car carrying her backpack. You didn't get the chance to look at her long enough before she opened the car door, letting a bone chilling gust of wind into the car making both you and Nancy shiver. "Hello Nance!" She said with a smile.

     You turn around to look at her and she makes eye contact with you. You couldn't stop yourself from blushing, she was absolutely beautiful. Her gorgeous pale skin that had freckles scattered upon it, her beautiful ginger hair, her stunning smile and eyes. Even her voice had your heart skipping beats. What was this feeling? Little did you know, you were too deep in thought to see that she was checking you out too.

"Ah you must be Y/n!" She says in a cheery voice, her beautiful smile matching. "Ye-yeah, that's me! Haha, sorry, just a little cold." You say with a smile. You watch as her eyes go from your eyes to your smile before quickly going back to your eyes. This made you blush more. "Oh! Well I have a extra jacket if you want it!" She says smiling. "No no it's okay, I don't think I'll freeze that fast." You say and laugh, this making Barb and Nancy both laugh. "I don't know.. your pretty overdramatic like that." Nancy says and laughs. "Hey! Rude!" You say shooting her a playful glare.

    Barb didn't say a word, she just continued looking at your cute facial expressions that you made. The ones when you were playing, or when you were happy, just you.

After about 20 minutes, you 3 finally get to the school. Nancy parks the car and all 3 of you finally get out of the car. This is when you finally see Barb fully. She was about 3 inches taller than you. She also had a kind of cheesy but cute outfit on. Everything about her seemed cute. But today was your first day, you couldn't be having a crush already! You have never had a crush before, but Barb changed that for you. She made your heart flutter anytime she talked and looked at you, even just thinking about her made you feel like you were gonna explode. Suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder.

"Hey, you good?" You hear a voice say. You blink away your thoughts and look up towards the figure. It was Barb. "You zoned out Y/n! Your also shivering.. please take my jacket." She says and hands you her jacket. It was obvious she wasn't cold but you felt bad. "No it's okay! I don't like taking things from people." You say smiling up at her. "But we are friends now! So it's okay. Plus we are gonna be hanging out more sooo you will get used to it." She says smiling back. You sigh in defeat.

     "Fine, only because your nice." You say with a laugh and take off your Jean jacket, stuffing it into your backpack then putting on her jacket. Once you got it on, you put your backpack back on.

(The jacket she gave you bc ✨goals✨ *intense girl in red playing in the background*)

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(The jacket she gave you bc ✨goals✨ *intense girl in red playing in the background*)

"Are you two done? I'm about to freeze my ass off." You both hear Nancy say. You laugh at her comment and walk over to her with Barb following close behind as happy as ever. Who wouldn't blame her? She just gave a cute girl her jacket.

    You 3 start walking into the school building and through the halls. Once to the lockers, you split up from the other two to figure out your locker combination. It took you a couple of tries but then finally you got it. You put your backpack inside then grab your books and things. Soon after you grab your things, you shut your locker door and walk over to Nancy's locker where Barb was standing beside her talking.

"It was only a one time... *you watch as Barb shoots Nancy a look* ..two time thing." You hear Nancy say. You stand beside Barb as she points at a note in Nancy's locker. "Oooo, is that from Steve?" You ask her in a teasing tone.

      Nancy NEVER stopped talking about Steve to you, that's the only reason you knew about him. That and pictures. Lots and LOTS of pictures. "Now it's 3." Barb says teasing Nancy while giving you a "I'm on your team" smirk. You smirk back. You both watch Nancy read the note and blush. "Well I better get going, I'll talk to you guys later!" Nancy says and soon rushes off.

"Well, want to walk with me to class? We share it." Barb says to you, looking down at you. "Sure!" You say smiling. So with that, you two begin your short walk with only 5 more minutes to get to class. "Hey, I was thinking.. is it okay if I come over to your house after school? We could get to know each other and have a sleep over or something!" She says fixing her ginger curls. "Yeah of course! I'd love to get to know you!" You say feeling your heart begin to rush. You notice the ginger begin to blush. "Okay! Can I have your number after school?" She asks messing with her books, showing she is nervous. "Sure!" You say.

Finally you both walk into class and your teacher introduces you to everyone before showing you where you sit at. As you were sitting down, you realized that Barb's seat is right next to yours, then right next to her's is Nancy's. You look towards Barb and see she is already looking at you. She shows you a soft smile before facing the board. This made everything in you just malfunction and you were blushing like crazy. "This is gonna be a weird year...." You mumble to yourself looking at the board.

Little did you know you were right. But it was going to be longer than you think.

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now