ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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The bell finally rang and it was time to go home. You left the classroom and walked to your locker. On your way to your locker you look over and see Barb and Nancy talking to Steve and a few other people. As you were walking by, you hear them talk about a party. But then suddenly they start pointing and laughing. You look ahead and see Jonathan. You were beginning to pick up on who was who from Nancy and Barb. They also told you about some missing kid named Will Byers. You were sure your parents already know about it. You dad is a police officer and your mom works at the elementary, so it wouldn't be surprising.

You get to your locker and put your books away and grab your backpack. Taking one final look in your locker, you then close it and see Barb and Nancy walking towards you giggling and talking.

    But this time, they had a boy with you. He as well looked pretty nerdy. You assumed that it was probably that Fred guy Nancy was talking about. You quickly smile at them and they take notice of you. "Hey N/nnnn, wanna go party tomorrow?" Nancy asks you. "Please do. I won't have anybody else to talk to." Barb says laughing while Fred shoots her a glare. "Rude." He says, his voice matching his nerdy look.

"I assume your Fred, right?" You ask the boy with a smile. He looks at you and you watch his cheeks blush. "Oh, well yes, that's me. Also, you look just so beautiful!" He says fixing his glasses showing a cheesy smile. "Aww! Thanks!" You say with a giggle.

    While you were talking to Fred, Barb kept a close eye on you two, keeping her clenched fists in her pockets. She has never felt this jealous before. "Hey I have a idea!" Nancy says out of nowhere maybe all of us look at her. "Why don't we go out and get milkshakes tonight?" She says smiling. We all agree.

   "Actually is it okay we do it soon, Barb is staying at my place." You say and look at Barb. She gives you one of her heartwarming smiles. You blush and quickly look away earning a slight giggle out of the woman. "That's fine! I can drive us all there." Nancy says messing with the strap of her backpack.

So that was what you did, all of you let your parents know and you went to go get milkshakes. You sat in the backseat with Nancy. Surprisingly, you two had become close pretty fast. You never would've thought that if it were a couple days ago but here you are. You continued looking out of the window, but then suddenly you felt a warm plump hand go on yours. You quickly look over at Barb knowing that's the only hand it could be from.

"Hey are you okay? You looked zoned out." She says whispering trying not to catch the attention of Fred and Nancy who were talking up front. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking." You say and smile softly at her. She smiles back and interlaces her fingers with yours. You blush big time and quickly go back to looking out the window.

    All you could do is just wonder and think. Does she like you? Is she trying to show off to Fred? Maybe even Nancy? You doubted she liked you. There is no WAY she liked you. There has to be a secret meaning to all of this. But then again.. she has been pretty nice to you..

     Suddenly the car comes into a smoothing park and you quickly let go of Barb's hand. She made a pouty frown at her hand before realizing that we had parked. "Yay milkshakes!" You say getting excited. You were basically ADDICTED to milkshakes. You favorite was f/f. (Favorite flavor)

    All four of you climb out of the car and start walking in. "Booth or table?" Nancy asks you 3. "Booth." You all say. She nods. Suddenly Barb runs ahead of all of you and opens the door to the milkshake shack. Which is what it was called actually. "Bill's Milkshake Shack." She holds it open and all of you walk in, going in the order with Nancy, then Fred, then you, then Barb.

     Once you walked in, you all 4 sat down at the booths. But before Barb could even get to the table. Fred had sat down beside you. Barb shot a glare at him before sitting by Nancy who just rubbed her back trying to calm her down. Nancy knew she got jealous when people talked to her friends, but she has never seen her THIS jealous. But neither have you as you were to busy with your face stuffed into the menu to even see what was happening.

    "Hello, what can I get you guys?" Asks a random girl. You look up and see it's the waitress. "Ummm.. I would like a Vanilla milkshake, with whipped cream and no cherry." Nancy says first. Her order was pretty basic. Then she looked at Barb. "I just want a strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry." She says smiling at the girl. The waitress smiled back at her and this for some reason made your blood boil. You fold your arms and wait for your turn.

    Finally, she looks at you. "I would like a f/f milkshake with (amount of or no) whipped and (no or a) cherry please." You say giving her a friendly but most definitely fake smile. "Alrighty, now how about you?" She says talking to Fred. "I just want a chocolate milkshake with nothing on it." He says, making his order short and sweet.

     "Alright! I'll get that for you guys and I'll be right back!" She says and prances off. "So where are you from exactly Y/n?" Fred asks you, facing you. "Well, I'm from California!" You say smiling, thinking about all of the memories. "Oh cool!" He says smiling at you.

   You smile at him and the others before you landed your eyes on Barb, she seemed upset. She has her arms crossed and was looking out the window. It was obvious Nancy saw this too as she had her hand on her shoulder. But before you could say anything, the waitress came.

"Alrighty guys! Here are you milkshakes, enjoy!" She says sitting them all down on the table. "Thank you!" We all say and quickly enjoy all of our milkshakes. That day was filled with nothing but laughter and smiles. Finally as it did get late, you all decided you were going to head home.

"Hey, it's kind of late... is it okay you come over tomorrow?" You ask Barb, yawning soon after. "Yeah that's fine!" She says smiling at you. It was obvious she was disappointed but you would see her tomorrow, so it's fine. "9 am good?" She asks you. "Yep! Of course!" You say smiling at the ginger. "Cool.. See you then!" She says smiling.

Soon after that conversation, you all agreed that you were ready to go home. So you all piled into Nancy's car and she dropped all of you home. Once everyone left and it was just you and Nancy, a conversation sparked up.

"Hey, I seen the way you were looking at Barb. You two would be so cute!" She says smiling at you. You started to blush. "Eh... I don't know." You say, kind of freaked out about the thought of being in a relationship. "Barb is definitely trustworthy, trust me." She says in a serious tone. "I know.. I'm just nervous. I'll see what she does first." You say looking out the car window, it being completely dark minus street lights.

Finally you reach your house and get out of the car with your backpack. "Bye!!" You say to Nancy, waving. "Bye!" She says smiling at you and waving back. You begin walking inside while she drives down the road to her house. Once you get inside you see your mom standing at the door.

Warning⚠️: ANGST

"Y/n Wheeler. You are home 2 HOURS late! You had me worried sick!" She says to you. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize it was already that late!" You yell back at her. "Excuse me?! You better not be talking back to me young lady. I will ground your ass!" She says crossing her arms. "Well good! You don't even have a reason to be mad!" You say getting mad. "YES I do! Will Byers is missing! *she sticks her finger out, aiming right at your face* and YOU could be next." She says in a stern tone.

Finally, tears fill your eyes. "Well you know what?! Maybe I hope I get taken! I never wanted to be here in the first place!" You yell at your mom, tears rolling. You start running upstairs to your room. "You are grounded this WHOLE weekend young lady! That Barb isn't coming tomorrow either!" She yells at you.

Once you get to your room you slam the door behind you. At this point you were sobbing, you quickly change into your pajamas and wipe the tears before turning all of your lights off except your lamp. You remember about Barb's number and quickly dial it.

"Hello?" Says the voice of the beautiful girl. "H-hey.." you say sniffling. "Oh my god, Y/n! What's wrong?" Barb asks in a worried tone. "I- I'm grounded... you can't come over." You tell her, still upset. "Oh... well, I'll still come and see you." She says to you. "You can't you will get caught." You tell her, beginning to worry about her plans. "Trust me I will, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She says. "I guess.." you say sniffling a little. "Get some rest, goodnight n/n!" She says to you in a kind voice. "I'll try... goodnight." You say to her. With that, she hangs up and you put the phone back on the stand, moving the cord out of the way.

You slowly turn off your lamp and decide to get some sleep. That's all you could really do anyways. I mean.. it's pretty obvious you weren't gonna go anywhere. You sigh and fall into a quiet and sad sleep.

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now