ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠

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After staying up all night, you were mentally tired but too worried to sleep. It was 8 am and you quickly throw on jeans and a collared rainbow shirt. Once sliding on your sneakers, you run downstairs. As soon as you open the door, you see Barb standing there holding flowers and a gift.

"Oh hey Y/n! I just wanted to say I-" you watch her eyes trail to yours and watch her mood go from happy to immediately worried. "Y/n have you even tried to sleep? You look miserable." She says and puts a warm freckly hand on your face.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a rush. I'll explain in the car." You say stressed and take the flowers from her and the gift, sitting them on the table in your house. Then you run out shut it behind you. You quickly grab her hand and run to your car, climbing into driver's seat while Barb gets into passenger. You quickly start the car and begin driving to the police station.

"Okay okay, can you please tell me what is happening? You look terrified and I'm worried about you."she says placing a hand on your leg. So then you start explaining everything that happened with the phone.

Barb looks at you with an even more worried look. "Y/n.. honey, I think that was part of your imagination." She says and rubs on your leg. "Oh really? Okay, then how about Fred, have you found him?" You question her. "No.. we haven't, he wasn't at his house or school either. Well, according to Nanc." She says.

"Then either way, we should go to the police station then, correct?" You ask her, glancing at her before turning your attention back on the road. "Yes, I guess your right." She says looking at you, studying your features, worrying about you.

You both soon make it to the police station and see Hopper smoking outside. You quickly put the car into park then get out and rush over to him. Barb follows quickly behind, making sure nothing happens to you, protecting you as much as she can.

"Hopper!" You hell getting his attention along with a smoky grunt. You stand in front of him while Barb towers over you standing behind you. You begin to explain everything that has happened.

"You are beginnings to sound like Joyce Byers." He says jokingly. "This isn't a joke." You say in a serious voice. You weren't very fond of Hopper and this was making you realize why.

"That's what Joyce said too." He says rolling his eyes and taking another puff from his cigarette. "God damn it Hopper! It was his voice." You say getting frustrated. He sighs and shakes his head. "Here we will look into it, will that make you feel any better?" He asks sarcastically.

"Sure." You say and cross your arms, glaring at the man. He puts out his cigarette and soon goes back inside the police station. You sigh and turn around forgetting Barb was there and run face first into her chest.

Making your face turn blood red.

"Oh my god, I am so-" Suddenly she grabs you by the collar of your shirt and drags you behind your car. "What is happening.." you say confused. Suddenly she pushes you against your car then stands right in front of you, your leg being in between both of hers. "I-I.." you try saying flustered to death.

Then she kisses you, making it long and passionate. One hand being on your cheek, another being on your waist. Luckily from behind, people thought you were a boy and a girl so people ignored it. But even more luckily, nobody walked by.
    She then breaks the kiss. "Babe, what was that?" You ask her confused. She then pulls you into a hug and starts crying. You worry and hug her back as she cries into your shoulder. "Hey.. what's wrong?" You ask her softly as she slowly stops crying.

   "I'm just scared I'm going to lose you.. with everyone disappearing and me making you mad.." she says and she looks at you with tears rolling down her cheeks. You wipe them with your thumb and smile at her.

    "You will never lose me. Ever. No matter what, I'll be here for you, whether in person or spirit." You say to her, looking into her dark brown eyes. "Do you promise?" She asks you. "Of course, no matter how mad I am, I will always love you." You tell her.

   She then smiles and kisses you, you happily kissing back. Soon you both pile into your car and drive back to your house where you both go up to your room and look at the flowers and stuff she got you.

    You sit the flowers in a vase on your desk. Then you walk over to the bed and sit by Barb who is holding the gift she bought you. "Here you go, I got you this." She says smiling. "You didn't have to.." you say to her feeling bad.

  "Trust me it's worth it!" She says to you. She hands you the decent sized box, it being pretty heavy, you worry more. You open it and see a bunch a stuff. You pull out a picture frame of you and Barb together smiling.

    You smile at it before continuing.

    The next thing that you pull out of the gift box was a pair of roller skates. "Barb!" You say softly hitting her arm. "What?! You deserve all of this stuff, that and I have roller skates at my house, maybe we can go on a skating date!" She says smiling at you. "Do you know how to roller skate?" She asks you. "Yeah I do." You say looking at them, tearing up by how sweet she was being.

   "Good! Then it's a date! We can go in a couple of weeks." She says to you rubbing your back.

   You sit the stuff all on the floor before quickly tackling your girlfriend into a hug, laying on top of her. She giggles and wraps her arms around you. You smile at her. "Your the bestest girlfriend ever." You tell her, listening to her heartbeat.

    "Well so are you." She says softly and kissed your head. You both decide to lay like that for a while. Then you both spend the day together in the secret room where you lounged around and roller skated.

    Well..  It was more of you roller skating  around while Barbara followed, scolding your for every time you fell. Luckily there was a couple times where you fell where you caught yourself or she catches you, so you didn't get hurt the WHOLE time.

    But it didn't matter to you. You were just happy to spend lots of time with your wonderful and caring girlfriend.

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now