ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡

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   A lot of things happened as days went by. Nancy came by a bunch and so did Barb, mainly talking about Fred. But if it was only Barb, you guys would spend most of the day hanging out and just enjoying your lives while being with a relationship. You liked it when Barb was over. It's like all of your problems were just gone when she was around. She made you so happy. A type of happy you have never had someone make you. You would do anything for her just as she would do the same for you. You both were happy.

     But today. Today was going to change. Hopper hasn't been in office much because he was over at Joyce's. Joyce was basically going insane now that her little boy, Will was gone. But so was Jonathan, his brother. Today when you went to school, you met up with Steve, his two friends, Barb, and Nancy because apparently, someone seen that Jonathan had took pictures of all of you 2 days ago.

    Jonathan was a nice guy. But THIS was very creepy. Taking pictures to find your brother or not, that's just straight up creepy and scary. So you all stood by Steve's car talking when eventually, out came Jonathan walking towards all of you.

   "Well there he is." Says Steve in a cocky tone. You cross your arms scared to see what pictures he took. You begin to tap your foot from how nervous you were. Barb noticed this and stands behind you, pulling you towards her so you were right against her. She then wraps her arms around your waist.

    You begin to calm down a little and lay your head back against her.

   "Wait what's happening?" Jonathan asked all of you. "Oh I don't know, what IS happening, creep?" Steve asks getting up in Jonathan's face. "I don't know what you are talking about." He says to Steve.

   "Then you wouldn't mind me checking you bag then." Steve says with a smirk, stealing his backpack. Jonathan tries to take it from him but Tommy stops him.

   Steve quickly unzips his backpack and takes the photos out. Then he throws the backpack back at Jonathan. "Well well... look at this." Steve says and shows everyone the two pictures. One was of Nancy changing, another was of you bent over looking into the pool.

    "He was probably saving those for later." Carol says in a snarky tone. You feel Barb's grip get tighter, you could easily tell she was angry. She hated whenever people did that kind of stuff to you or Nancy. But she got more angry when it came to you.

    "You are such a creep!" Barb yells at Jonathan. "That wasn't what the pictures were for I-" he gets cut off by Steve. "Sure the fuck they weren't." He says in a more angry tone. You looked over at Nancy who was just as shocked as you were, but, it seemed like she was eyeing one of the pictures.

   Suddenly Steve began tearing up all of the pictures. Jonathan tried getting them back once again but Tommy just held him in place. "This is what you get creepy Byers." He says making fun of him.

   "Here is your camera." Steve says and holds it up. Jonathan walks over to him to grab but then Steve purposely drops it, it shattering into pieces. "No!" Jonathan yells dropping to the ground to look at the destroyed camera. Everyone begins walking away laughing except Nancy, you, and Barb.

   Nancy begins helping him pick up all of the torn pictures. "Hey.. can I have the ones you took of Fred?" She asks politely. "Yeah sure.." he says sounding sad. He hands her the pieces of picture and she shoves them into her bag.

   She starts walking towards the school, you quickly rush after her, with Barb following behind you. "What are you going to do with the torn up picture?" You ask her as you 3 walk together.

   "I just want to look at it. See if I can figure out what happened to Fred." She says. She missed Fred quite a bit, you could tell. They were pretty close and basically grew up being friends, then later on around kindergarten, Barb came, then you, even though you and Nancy are cousins.

    You nod as she walks off. Then you and Barb go to your next classes. It felt like today was lasting forever. Like it would never end. After school today, you were supposed to go over to Barb's. She said she had a surprise for you.

    You were pretty excited about it but that still didn't stop you from worrying. Wondering if Fred is okay, If Will was okay, if Barb or Nancy or Peter got taken, if something would happen to you, what was taking everyone, all kinds of stuff.

   Whatever was taking everyone, couldn't be normal. All of the light flickering, weird calls, random growls, everything. It had to be something... different. There was a place you were suspicious of. But it wasn't just you, so was Mike, and his friends, Peter, Barb, and Nancy even. Though they both hated to admit it. They thought it sounded stupid.

    But you were all suspicious of Department of Energy. Everyone knew that it wasn't just a energy place, but they didn't know what all they did in there, and neither did you. It was called Hawkins National Laboratory.  You always thought that place was weird.

    You have always heard weird stories about that place, that they performed experiments on people, kidnapped them, and other stuff. You never believed that they kidnapped people though. You just thought they performed experiments on their coworkers.

   The place was suspicious but you never would think they would do something like that. They would probably get caught. Plus it is a government made place, they could never do anything like that right? Especially in a a small town like Hawkins, Indiana.

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now