ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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You rush upstairs to Steve's room, Barbara following, scolding you for running up the stairs. She hated it when you or anyone got hurt. You try at the knob but it was locked. So you did what first came to your head.

You busted down the door.

The door flies open and so do you into the room with Barb rushing behind being to your aid. You look over and see a shirtless Nancy with Steve on top. You scream and Barb quickly covers your eyes, closing hers. You start laughing at them as Steve falls off the bed in shock.

You try to pull Barb's hands off to make fun of them but she wouldn't budge. "Barbbbb, let me see." You say with a groan. She opens her eyes. "No n/n, just wait." She says in her scolding voice. "I'm not a little kid!" You say annoyed. She takes a deep breath to gain confidence before getting close to your ear.

"But the only body you can see undressed is mine and yours." She says in a light whisper, making you shiver and turn red. "Barb!" You yell at her flustered. She giggles and uncovers her eyes. They were now dressed and looking at you two confused, wondering why you were red and yelling at Barb.

But before they could say anything, you cut them off.

"I heard a noise outside and Fred is gone." You say in a serious tone. All 4 of you rush downstairs and look for him. Shouting his name. But he was nowhere to be seen. "I bet he just walked home." Steve says. "He couldn't have, have you met him?" Barb says getting frustrated. "I hope he did..." you say feeling bad.

               (Warning: Angst ⚠️)

    "But that's the thing Y/n. He would NEVER just leave. If you would pay attention to others instead of me all of the time, maybe you would know that." She says raising her voice at you. This shocked everyone here.

    Barb wasn't the type to get mad or to yell, but it was pretty obvious that this whole scenario was getting to her. But you didn't care, it hurt you. You felt angry tears fill your eyes as Barb notices what she did and quickly covers her mouth.

    You angrily grab your backpack off of the ground. "I'm walking home." You say sternly and begin walking away from the three. "N/n just stay..". Nancy says sadly, everything obviously getting to her as well.

   "I SAID I'm walking home!" You say this time yelling. Nancy stands there hugging herself while watching you walk away. Barb watches you walk away too, already feeling horrible. But she needed to make sure nothing bad happened to Fred here.

    You begin you walk down the dark road. Your house wasn't far from Steve's luckily. After about 5 minutes into walking, you began to hear strange noises. Like trees rustling and low growls. This scared you so you began walking faster. You walked like this all the way until you got to your house.

     You quickly walk in. "Mom I'm home!" You shout shutting the door and locking it behind you. "Okay sweetie!" She says from the kitchen. You quickly run up to your room and unpack your things then get in the shower.

   After taking a 20 minute shower, you put on pajamas and go to your room. "Where is my brush.." you say to yourself looking around your room. Soon you find it and sit in front of your mirror and brush your hair.

    But once you finished brushing your hair and pulling it up, your phone began ringing. So you walked over to it and picked it up.

   "Hello?" You say into the phone

   "Hey.. it's Barb. I just wanted to say-" she says but the you cut her off

   "I don't want to talk to you. Just leave me alone. Go find Fred or something, I don't care. It's pretty obvious that you are worried." You say her and hang up.

  Suddenly your phone rings again. You sign angrily and pick it up more aggressively.

   "Barb I told you to not ta-" you stop talking. This wasn't Barb. You could hear low growls in the background. Suddenly you could hear a little boy's voice.
         "Help me.."

     Then it hung up.

  You tried to ignore it but his voice was stuck in your head. Was it Will? What was that growling, it didn't sound like any animal you could think of. Where was he?

   You had so many questions, you needed to go to the police station. Then tell Mrs Byers. You had to do something. But it was to late you needed to do it in the morning.

     You didn't get any sleep that night.


                          (Barb's POV)

   I sat in my bed upset with myself. I should've never snapped at her.

  I could feel tears in my eyes form while looking at my phone.

   "I probably ruined every chance I had with her." I say to myself upset. But then I got a good idea. I'd just buy her some of her favorite flowers, give her a ton of hugs and kisses, and apologize. I could just go to her house. She shouldn't have any plans.

   I smiled at that idea and began to relax more. "I hope she forgives me.. I don't want to lose her. But I do hope Fred is okay." I say to myself and sigh before turning off my lamp beside my bed.

   Then I lay there thinking about Y/n until I fall into a content sleep.


𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now