ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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After that day, you and Barb spent a lot of time together working on the room. Sometimes even Fred and Nancy would come over and help. Then finally, the room is done. But day by day, as time passed, soon came the party that Steve Harrington invited you 4 too.

"Hey, I'm going out with Nancy, Barb, and Fred!" You shout to your parents, stuffing your bathing suit into your bag. "That's fine but please, call me when you are on your way back, Will being missing is enough. I don't want you to disappear too." She says in a worried tone walking into your room as you zip up your bag.

"I won't mom, I promise." You say walking down the stairs. "Hey, stop right at the stairs so I can take a picture!" She says walking towards you with her camera. "What? Why?" You ask her confused. "Because today you're hanging out with your first friend group at your new home!!" She says excited. You roll your eyes and just smile. A bright light flashes from the camera, making a snap noise, and the picture comes out.

"Thank you sweetie, have fun!" She says. As soon as you pick up your bag, you hear a honk. Which means Barb was here. You quickly run out the door and see Barb driving, Nancy sitting in passenger waving, and Fred reading in the back. You quickly climb into the backseat and the car begins driving away from the house.

"Bro I'm so excited!" You say wiggling around in your seat smiling, earning you a laugh from everyone in the car. "Me too!" Nancy says. Barb looks over at her with worry in her eyes.

Finally you all pull up in front of the house. It is pitch dark out but you could still see where you were walking because of the outside lights. You could also see the blue light of the pool. "Are you sure you want to go Nance?" Barb asks her worryingly.

"Barb, I'll be okay! We will be okay." She says to her smiling but not showing her teeth. "You do realize he just wants to get in your pants right?!" She says frustrated. "No he doesn't! This is different, I promise." She says trying to calm her friend. You sit there in silence while you and Fred look at each other awkwardly.

"Fine.. whatever." She says sounding a bit hurt. Soon after the argument between then two, you all climb out of the car and begin walking to the house with your stuff. You walk beside Barb and touch her hand with your pinkie. She looks at you then at your hand by hers before grab onto it, holding your hand. You could tell this made her feel better, making you smile and blush all at the same time.

Fred notices this and begins getting jealous. "Hey, why are you and Barb holding hands?" He says out loud in purpose striking the attention of Nancy. "Oooo~" Nancy says in a cooing tone. You turn all kinds of shades of red and so does Barb. "I held it trying to make her feel better, she was nervous." You say in a light voice. Anytime your nervous or embarrassed, your voice goes higher.

"Sureeee." Nancy says and winks at the both of you. You roll your eyes and look at Barb. She still looked embarrassed so you began to move your hand away from hers. But as soon as you took it away, she quickly grabbed onto it again and smiled at you. You smiled back at her as she took your hand close to her lips. She placed a light kiss on your hand before letting your hand go.

Her lips felt so soft on your hand, making you wanting to kiss her even more than what you already did. You blushed while looking at the top of your hand. This made Fred even more jealous, but he couldn't be mad. He knew that you were happy, which made him happy.

Finally you all got to the door and Nancy knocked while you stayed beside Barb talking. Leaving Fred alone behind, reading. Suddenly Steve opens the door laughing with his two friends, Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins.

You all walk in and Steve goes straight to Nancy and you all walk out to the pool. You talked to Carol a little bit while Barb stayed close by. Once you finished talking to her you sat beside Barb. The both of you watch Steve shotgun a beer, soon after watch Nancy.

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛Where stories live. Discover now