Who Do You Think You Are?

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Sadie entered the doors to the Hard Deck, ready to see who had all been requited for the mission. Spotting the familiar uniform, that she herself was wearing, on a group of people at the pool table she made her way over. There were only a few other people there and only one face that Sadie recognized. 

"Casper! How have you been? It's been forever since I saw you last," came the familiar voice of Fanboy, coming up beside her throwing an arm around her shoulder.

"Fanboy? I'm surprised they let you back into this place," she said jokingly.

"Can't say the same about you, I knew as soon as I got the call that you'd be here too." 

Fanboy had been in the same cohort as Sadie during their first time at Top Gun and she was grateful for the friendly face, because the other four people looking over at them were entirely unfamiliar. The only other women there walked up reaching her hand out.

"Phoenix," she said shaking Sadie's hand, "and this is Payback, Hangman, and Coyote." She indicated each of the men standing behind her, and they all nodded in turn. 

"Casper," Sadie replied, introducing herself. "Nice to meet you all."

Hangman's eyebrows furrowed as he pushed himself forward until he was standing directly in front of Sadie staring down at her name tag.

"Perez," he said under his breath. "You wouldn't have happen to be stationed at the Hawaii base a few years back?" 

"I still am," she responded confused at his line of questioning. 

"I know you," he said, his mouth pulling into a smirk but his eyes continued to glare. 

"I don't think we've met before."

"You're the pilot who figured out some way to get into Top Gun after the candidates had already been selected," he said. "What did you get rejected and you went and cried to daddy? Or maybe you offered up something else in exchange for your spot." His eyes tracked down to give her a once over.

"I don't think I like what you're insinuating, Seresin." 

The other Top Gun students stood looking back and forth between the pair as the tension grew. They were standing toe to toe, eyes shooting daggers at each other. 

"I didn't say anything Perez. I simply brought up the fact that you didn't earn your spot at Top Gun."

"I did earn my spot just like everyone else. Who do you think you are? I haven't done anything to you."

"Your little stunt had my application pushed back two years. You fucked me over by taking my place." 

Sadie felt the world around her stop. She knew that her going to top gun would mean someone else's application got pushed back but she managed to not think about it too much considering how badly she wanted to go. Besides, she deserved it. Her captain, the admiral, they all thought so too. It was the right thing for her career so that made it alright. Right? 

"Everyone watch your back," he continued, turning to the others, "this one will step on anyone to get ahead." 

Sadie narrowed her eyes and got close to Hangman's face. "I earned my spot here, and if you or anyone else wants to challenge that then I guess we'll see in the air tomorrow." Hangman opened his mouth to retort but Sadie cut him off. "I'm to sober for your bullshit right now."

With that she turned away and stormed by Hangman to the bar, making sure to knock into him with her shoulder as she passed. Fanboy followed after her, catching up just as she ordered a beer from the woman at the bar. 

"Holy shit Casper. What was that all about?" 

"I have no idea. Who the hell does that guy think he is? And did he really just try to say that I slept my way into Top Gun?" 

"I think he did," Fanboy replied putting his arm on Sadie's shoulder, "but don't worry about it Cas, it's not like anyone believes him. I know you're a damn good pilot and everyone else will see that too." 

He grabbed the beer that was in front of her, and herded her back to where the other pilots were gathered but steering far away from Hangman. He grabbed a pool cue from the wall offering it to  Sadie, turning her by the shoulders as she glared at Hangman where he stood playing darts. She was enjoying herself playing pool with Fanboy against Phoenix and Payback when another familiar face came through the doors.

"Rooster! This is how I find out you're stateside?" Phoenix called to the approaching man.  

"Damn Rooster. I didn't know you were coming too. What's with the fit?" Sadie chimed in. Rooster and Sadie worked on the same base in Hawaii and while they weren't close it was still nice to recognize another person. 

"Do you like it?" Rooster grabbed either side of his shirt, pulling it slightly more open and spinning around to show it off. Sadie laughed at the show and leaned down to line up her next shot when she felt the cue being pulled from her hands. Looking back she saw Hangman's smug face, tooth pick in mouth. 

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in," he said. Rooster looked over and the cheerful smile fell from his face as he recognized Hangman.

"Looking good Hangman," he said. 

Hangman nudged Sadie out of the way and leaned down to line up the shot himself. Then, looking up at Rooster instead of the pool table, he shot the ball into the pocket and spoke.

"That's because I am good Rooster. Damn good."

Sadie reached out stealing the pool cue back from Hangman. He didn't seem to care as he moved around the table to stand in front of Rooster. Payback hoping to break the tension drew the teams attention to a man sitting on a bar stool, eating from a cup of trail mix. 

"Who's this?"

"Oh I've been here the whole time," he said with a goofy smile. "Name's Bob."

"No your callsign," Payback continued.

"It's just Bob." Everyone stared at him, not sure what to say. Rooster, never one to be comfortable with awkward silence walked over to the jukebox unplugging it, before sitting himself down at the piano standing near the bar. Fanboy grabbed Sadie by the arm, pulling her towards the piano. They passed by Hangman who turned his body and followed them with his eyes. Sadie felt his stare on her back but she couldn't be bothered to turn around. She would do her best to avoid him until the mission was over. 

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