Big Brother Things

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Sadie woke slightly disoriented as she looked around the room trying to place where she was. The blinds covering the window only allowed in a small ray of light to illuminate the room. The room looked familiar but something was slightly off. Besides her discarded clothes on the ground, none of her stuff was there. It wasn't until she felt the blanket being pulled off of her that she put everything together. 

Turning over she saw Hangman's muscled back. He was breathing deeply and evenly as he continued to roll pulling the blanket even further off of her. Sadie grabbed the edge of the covers and tugged, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Hangman maintained his vice-like grip. Huffing, she sat up and tried to pull again, harder this time. A bit of slack in the blankets caused Sadie to grin, but it was short lived. Hangman in his drowsy state gave in and rolled over meaning that all tension from the blanket went slack, causing her to tumble from the bed onto the floor dragging the covers down with her.

"Fucking hell," she yelped, landing in a pile. Hangman sprung away, head whipping back and forth as he scanned the room for the commotion. His head appeared over the edge of the bed, gazing down at Sadie tangled in the blanket. 

"What're you doing down there?"

"You are a blanket hog," she said in a huff, gathering up the blanket again and settling onto the bed beside Hangman.

"Me? You literally have them all."

"Only because I stole them back."

"Well you snore so you're not exactly sleeping beauty either." Sadie gasped and smacked Hangman on his chest. She looked over at the clock and groaned, she needed to get up and get ready for the day. She tossed the covers onto Hangman's face as she grabbed her pants, jumping to pull them on. He pulled the blanket down and off his face, leaving his hair sticking up in all directions. She reached her hand out to flatten it down but thought better of it and grabbed her phone from the bedside table instead. 

"So that was..." he trailed off. Hangman hadn't moved from the bed, laying sprawled out with the blankets leaving very little to the imagination. 

"Just a way to blow off some steam," Sadie offered. "It means nothing."

"Yeah for sure, just a sexy little mistake."

"And a sexy little secret," she continued. "Promise me you won't tell everyone?"

"I'm not one to brag Princess. Don't feel the need." Sadie raised an eyebrow at him, not sure if he was joking or being serious. "I promise."

"Ok good. Well, I'll see you later." She walked to the door fighting the urge to look back at him.

Sadie stood in the lounge room absentmindedly playing pool against Fanboy while she focused on listening to the radio

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Sadie stood in the lounge room absentmindedly playing pool against Fanboy while she focused on listening to the radio. Currently Rooster and Hangman were going against Maverick and everyone was debating who would turn out to be the winner. The exercise was off to a slow start, Maverick must be out of radar range because Hangman and Rooster were occupying themselves by bickering.

"Rooster, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Hangman's voice came through the comms.

"Would it matter if I did?" Rooster replied.

"So what's the story with you and Maverick. It seems to me that he has you rattled."

"That's none of your business," Rooster said. "Now where is he?"

Just then Maverick's voice cut off the conversation.

"I've been here the whole time. Come on, let's get this over with."

The training exercise quickly and literally spiralled into chaos ending with Maverick shooting Rooster down and sending both of the other pilots down for push-ups. Sadie rolled her eyes at Rooster's antics. This was not the time or place to be working through personal issues. They needed to be focusing on the mission at hand. Looking at the tarmac below through the window, Sadie watched as Rooster and Hangman started their push-ups. Hangman quickly unzipped his flight suit, tying the arms around his waist. Sadie's hand moved on its own accord to lift the blinds further giving her a better view of the men. 

"Do you want a camera or something?" Fanboy's voice making her jump. 

"Mind your business," she said, lowering the blinds back down and tearing her eyes away from the show. 

"Your business is my business Casper. That's the deal. No secrets between wingmen." She rolled her eyes at him but pulled him away from the group anyways. Sitting at the back, far enough away that they wouldn't be overheard she debated what she was going to tell him. "Any before you say anything, remember that I can tell when you're lying."

"I might have gone home with Hangman last night," she rushed out, mumbling under her breath. 

"You're going to have to speak up Cas." She took a deep breath in and repeated the confession, just as quick and only slightly louder but Fanboy got the message. "Pretty boy? Really? I thought you were better than this," he teased.

"I'm only human," she argued. "Besides, it was just the one... Ok, two times. It is officially out of my system." 

"Mhm. Sure looked that way. Well don't get hurt I guess? All the usual big brother speech crap."

"Truly an inspiring speech," she said sarcastically.1

"Oooh please tell me I get to kick his ass if he's a douche."

"Absolutely not! It doesn't matter if he's a douche, we are strictly co-workers."

Sadie wished that Fanboy looked like he believed her.

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