Take a Swing

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The next morning Sadie left the house as early as possible to head to the base, determined to avoid Hangman after her dream the night before.  They had no training scheduled until the afternoon so Sadie found herself in the gym wrapping her hands, preparing to box. Staring at the equipment in front of her imagining Hangman's smug face, she swung her fist connecting with the heavy bag. Across the room Fanboy and Payback took turns trading off holding the punching mats and swinging lazily at each other.

"Will one of you spar with me considering you're barely doing anything over there?" she called over her shoulder continuing to hit the bag in front of her.

"Yeah I think not. You seem to have a lot of rage going on over there and I'm not looking to get punched today," Fanboy said back.

"Come on, I need a partner," she whined. "Payback?" 

From where he was sitting leaning against the wall he said, "I'm actually super busy." He proceeded to laugh at Sadie's glare.

"Why are you asking the boys to spar when you could ask a real man?" a voice came from the doorway to the room. Groaning internally she turned to meet the eyes of Hangman who was holding up a set of punching mats. Her eye's were drawn to the tank top he was wearing and how it pulled taught across his chest. In her mind she saw a flash from her dream of that same chest pressed up against her. The room suddenly felt 10 degrees hotter and Sadie suddenly was struggling to breathe. Needing to not be looking at him anymore, she turned back to her punching bag swinging her first again. 

"Actually, I just realized I'm good with the bag." 

Hangman moved to the other side of the punching back, holding it steady for her.

"Come on, you're telling me you don't want to take a shot at me."

Sadie grinned slightly as she hit the bag again. As she thought about it she figured it might be good to take a swing at him. It might help her to get rid of the imagine of him in her head. She nodded at him, taking a step back from the bag and grabbing her water bottle. 

She lined up across the gym from Hangman, bouncing on her toes and raising her fists. He did the same. 

"Go on," he taunted. "Take a swing."

They circled each other like they were locked in a dance, a step forward from Sadie caused Hangman to step back and vice versa. Hangman reached his arm up holding out the mat for Sadie to target. 

They fell into a rhythm. Jab, cross, duck, jab. Circling around each other slowly making their way closer and closer to each other. A misstep caused Sadie to trip slightly. Her arm missed its target  and the momentum carried her forward, falling directly onto Hangman, knocking them both to the ground. Landing directly on top of him, Sadie felt all the air rush out of Hangman and felt the groan reverberate in his chest with her hands.

She tried to push herself up but her hand was still on Hangman's chest. The extra pressure must have been painful so he pulled on her arm knocking her hand from his chest. Loosing her balance again she dropped back towards the ground crashing her head against his. She pulled up until she was resting on her elbows, just barely above Hangman. Her face was inches away from his and Sadie could see the slight stubble on his chin and smell the mint on his breath.

They froze, staring at one another for a moment, processing the position they found themselves in. Sadie felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, pulling her up from the ground and off of Hangman. Fanboy helped her to stand and Sadie brushed herself off trying to regain her composure. She held her head, feeling a throbbing pain where their heads had smacked together.

"What the fuck was that Hangman?"

"You're the one who attacked me. I should be asking you that!" his hand pressing to his forehead as well. "If you wanted to get me on my back there's easier ways Princess. No need to be so aggressive." 

"You're infuriating," Sadie said grabbing her water bottle and storming from the room. She could feel the heat on her cheeks and not just from working out. Throwing open the door to the shower room she stood in front of the mirror gripping either side of the sink mentally berating herself as she saw a bruise starting to form on her forehead.

She needed to stop letting Hangman distract her and focus on the mission. She had no time to waste fighting with an asshole no matter how hot that asshole might be. Splashing some water on her face and straightening her hair she took a deep breath in before heading to her locker to grab her flight suit. 

When she finally made it to the training room she saw Fanboy waiting with an icepack for her, and she made a mental note to do something nice for him later as a thanks. The cool surface immediately quelled some of the pain in her head and she sighed in relief. Across the room Hangman sat next to Coyote with an almost matching bruise starting to form on his forehead. Maverick striding into the room drew their attention away from each other and to the mission at hand. 

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