This Doesn't Change Anything

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Sadie threw her helmet off as soon as she exited her plane, crouching down placing both her hands on the ground, trying to stop the world from spinning around her. She had had some close calls before but never because she had made a stupid mistake. Her being too focused on winning the training exercise put herself and her teammate in danger. 

Seeing that everyone else had touched down and was exiting their jets, Sadie took off towards the locker rooms. They were supposed to report back to the classroom for a team debrief but Sadie figured they would understand if she called it an early day. Fanboy was waiting in the hall for her as she passed looking concerned.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Tell Maverick I'm going to go take a shower." 

He let her pass, seeing that she was in a bad mood. She would talk to Fanboy later but right now, she needed to be alone.

 When she got to the locker room she thankfully saw that she was alone. Sadie flipped one of the showers on letting the water run. 

She threw open her locker door, she listened to the clang echo throughout the room. She was pissed off at Hangman for getting her worked up but more than that she was pissed off at herself that it had worked and that she had thrown all caution to the wind over one stupid comment.

The door opened behind her and Sadie turned to see Hangman walking in with a big grin on his face, clapping his hands slowly. 

"Now that's what I'm talking about Casper. I mean you almost crashed us both but that was some ballsy flying out there. That's the kind of flying I've been waiting to see." 

"Screw off Hangman. I'm not in the mood."

Sadie turned back to her locker and peeled off the sleeves of her flight suit leaving her only in her tank top. She was sick of his smug face but she wasn't about to be goaded into flying off the handle. She had already embarrassed herself enough for one day. Hangman stepped up behind her, using his hand to slam her locker door shut. Sadie gasped, surprised at the sudden burst of anger from him.

"You don't get to fly like that and then be pissed off about it," he said.

"The only thing I'm pissed off at is you. Leave me alone." 

"Are you kidding? A little fire under your ass seemed to do you good. I think you should be thanking me." Sadie spun around to face him now. He towered over her slightly so she had to raise her chin to look him directly in his eyes. The steam had started to take over the room causing everything to be surrounded in a slight fog.

"Thanking you?"

"Yes," he said. "That was the first time you've stood out in the air the entire time we've been here. Now what do you have to say to me?"

Hangman  was standing close enough to Sadie that with each breath he took,  Sadie could feel the heat from his stomach as it almost touched hers. She got distracted looking at his throat as he swallowed. She wasn't sure if it was the heat or the adrenaline from almost crashing but she knew she wasn't thinking straight. Something inside her was telling her to lean forward. She needed to get out of this situation so she narrowed her eyes and tried to focus all of her anger into her next words. 

"Fuck you."

Then without thinking, she grabbed the dog tags around his neck and pulled him down, kissing him. He responded immediately. His hands went to her stomach, spreading out over her shirt and pushing her back into the lockers. The metal was cold against her shoulder blades but she didn't care, all she could think about was the force of Hangman's lips on her own. She fumbled with the zipper on his flight suit, desperate to remove some of the layers between them. Hangman happily assisted, shoving the top of his flight suit down and pulling the tank top he wore underneath it up and over his head. 

Sadie's hands travelled up Hangman's body taking in every curve and ridge of his muscles, watching drops of condensation that had formed from the steam move underneath her fingers.  Hangman's hands reached down, hooking under her thighs and lifting her up. The breath was knocked out of her slightly as he pinned her up against the lockers with his body but Sadie barely reacted. She was determined to have more. More skin, more touching, more Hangman. 

"This doesn't change anything. I still can't stand you," she said when she finally formed a straightforward thought. 

"Even better,"  he said pulling back to look her in the eyes. Hangman pulled the ponytail from her hair so Sadie shook her head letting her hair cascade around her shoulders. He walked them slowly towards the shower stall, throwing the curtain open. Steam spilled out into the room as he set her down gently onto the floor. 

He watched her hungrily as she peeled off her tank top, taking the time to drop his flight suit to the ground as she did. He walked towards her slowly, each step causing Sadie's heart to skip a beat. 

"Think you can keep quiet?" he asked. Sadie rolled her eyes and pulled him into the shower by his dog tags. 

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