It's Not Going to Happen Again

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The rest of the team had walked into the locker room as Sadie and Hangman were getting dressed, meaning that any conversation they were going to have, had to be postponed. Sadie avoided making eye contact with Hangman while everyone else was in the room, quickly packing up her bags and heading out to wait for Fanboy by his truck. She needed to talk to someone and Fanboy was the only one she trusted with this.

He appeared not long afterwards, taking his time walking with Phoenix towards the cars. Sadie raised her eyebrow at him trying to silently convey that she needed him to hurry up. He didn't seem to get the hint and waved Phoenix over to the car offering her a ride to the Hard Deck. Sadie heard the click of Fanboy unlocking his car so that Sadie could hop in. He followed along with Phoenix shortly afterwards. Fanboy raised an eyebrow at Sadie upon seeing that her cheeks were red, but didn't say anything as they pulled out of the parking lot. 

Fanboy pulled up to the bar and Sadie saw that Hangman's vehicle was already there along with a few others. So much for talking to Fanboy. She decided that what happened, while it wasn't a mistake, would not be happening again. She needed to focus on the mission, and now that she had gotten Hangman out of her system, she could. They entered the bar and took over the pool tables like they usually did while Sadie did her best to avoid Hangman's gaze. 

That was easier said than done when he seemed to be everywhere she was. At the bar, fingers brushing against her waist as she ordered a beer. Looking over her shoulder at the juke box, breath hot on her neck. Gazing at her over his beer as she leaned down to play pool. She wanted to be upset with his obviousness but she caught herself more than once staring at his arms as he threw darts. 

Her phone chimed in her pocket and when she pulled it out she saw that it was a text from Hangman. He was looking over at her with a smirk on his face. Not sure what this message was going to say, Sadie looked at the rest of the team out of the corner of her eyes to make sure no one was looking over at her.

'I can't stop thinking about the way you feel.'

'Keep it in your pants Hangman. It's not going to happen again.'

'My doors open when you change your mind.'

Sadie shoved her phone back into her pocket and tried to force the thoughts of Hangman's body in the shower out of her mind but nothing seemed to be working. She scanned the bar looking for something to distract her. She didn't have to look for long because as she turned, a man appeared before her. Sadie had seen him with his friends around the bar but it looks like he had broken away from the group to approach her. 

"My friends bet me that I couldn't get the number of the prettiest girl in the bar, I'm planning to use their money to buy  us a round of drinks."

"Does that work ever?" she asked raising an eyebrow. She groaned internally but figured this was an easy way to keep Hangman out of her head. 

"You tell me," he said stepping in closer to her. She let him buy her a drink and stood listening to him talk about his work without letting her get a word in edgewise. She felt herself getting more bored by the minute but it was when his hand wrapped around her waist that Sadie had had enough. 

"Actually I've got to go," she said pulling away from him. He looked confused as she walked away but didn't say anything else. She begrudgingly found herself walking up to Hangman. A grin split open his face as she approached and he opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off with a glare.

"Don't say anything. Let's get out of here." 

She walked out to his truck, knowing that if she turned around he would be following after her. 

When they got back to the dorm houses Hangman called out to make sure that Rooster and Coyote weren't home

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When they got back to the dorm houses Hangman called out to make sure that Rooster and Coyote weren't home. There was no answer so Sadie grabbed Hangman by the collar, crashing her lips into his own. They stumbled their way up the stairs kissing each other as they went. Sadie pushed Hangman into his room following in after him, pushing the door closed. 

Hangman sat on the edge of his bed looking over at Sadie with a smug look. Determined to wipe the look from his face she took a step forward, standing halfway between the door and the bed and slowly started unbuttoning her shirt. He licked his lips and let out a quiet groan, eyes following her hand's path. 

He reached out tucking his fingers into her belt loops pulling her towards him. 

"What happened to this never happening again?" he asked pressing his mouth against her stomach.

"Shut up Hangman. Do you really want to be asking questions right now?" 

"You're right," he said pulling her down onto the bed. 

This is nothing, just a way to blow off some steam, she thought. This was the last time. It was not going to happen again. 

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