Tell Me You Love Me Again

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"Lieutenant," Warden said, addressing Sadie from down the hallway. "Glad to have you back in the air."

Sadie smiled at the admiral. It was two months after the uranium mine mission and Sadie had officially been cleared to fly after her ribs healed up. 

"Happy to be flying again, Sir." He approached her indicating that she should walk with him while they talked by nodding his head.

"Now I've been thinking. You know that Captain Reynolds has recently been promoted." She nodded, not sure where he was going with this. "I recommended you for the promotion to captain. I wanted you to hear from me but it has all been approved. You should be getting the formal offer in the next few days." 

Sadie couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

"Sir, are you sure? I mean I'm grateful but I have been out of commission for a while. I mean I barely made it through Top Gun the second time."

"Casper," he said, halting her rambling. "I always have and continue to believe that you are one of the best pilots I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. On top of that you are an exceptional person. You are the clear choice in my mind."

Sadie looked up at him unsure how to express how much his support meant to her but he seemed to know. He reached up placing a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"Now if I remember correctly, your week off starts today. Get out of here and enjoy your time with your friend." 

Sadie looked down at her watch and realized she was running late.

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir," she said, rushing to gather her car keys.

She parked her  jeep outside of the pick-up area of the civilian airport, scanning the crowd for a familiar face

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She parked her  jeep outside of the pick-up area of the civilian airport, scanning the crowd for a familiar face. Exiting from the building, sunglasses on and bag thrown over his shoulder was Hangman. Her heart skipped a beat at seeing his again. They had both gone back to work agreeing to try to make long distance work and while it was going well, nothing could compare to seeing him in person. 

She threw open her door, standing on the step into the jeep so that she could see over the top of her car. She watched as he looked around the crowded area, clearly looking for her. His eyes drifted over her before quickly snapping back, a wide grin appearing on his face. She hopped down meeting him halfway to the car, throwing her arms around his neck. He dropped his back and picked her up, spinning her around in a hug. 

"I've missed you," he said, kissing her. 

"I've missed you too. I'm so glad you're here. It's going to be the best week. I've got everything all planned out," she said grabbing his bag and towing it towards her jeep. 

"Woah there, I just got here. Let's take a moment to settle in!" 

Sadie chuckled, slightly embarrassed at her excitement. Hangman grabbed his bag out of her hands and tossed it into the back of her vehicle. He turned around picking Sadie up from around her waist and setting her onto the tailgate and stepping in between her legs. He tossed his sunglasses into the front seat and looked intently at her.

"I am so excited for everything you have planned," he said kissing her in between each word, "but first tell me you love me again. I need to hear you say it."

Sadie grabbed Hangman by his dog tags, pulling him close to her face. 

"I love you. I love your cocky attitude. I love your smug smile. I love how you care more than you'd ever let on. I love everything about you Jake." 

He closed his eyes and leaned his head onto Sadie's shoulder. 

"It sounds just as sweet every time."

Sadie pushed him back slightly, jumping down from the tailgate and hopping into the drivers seat. Hangman followed shortly after, settling into the passenger's seat. Before she could pull out of the parking lot Hangman tilted her face towards him using his hand on her chin. 

He kissed her again and said, "I love you Sadie Perez."

She drove them straight to the beach, Hangman's hang on her thigh and the music blasting from the radio. She had been wrong earlier, this was the happiest she'd ever been. 


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Hang Me Out to DryWhere stories live. Discover now