That's What We're Doing Here, Right?

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Most of the team had left to head back to the dorm houses, leaving Sadie, Hangman, Coyote, Phoenix and Bob still at the beach. They were sprawled out across a couple towels in a jumble, arms and legs entangled and they laid enjoying the peaceful sounds of the waves coming in. They were debating whether the woman they had seem Maverick chatting with on the beach was his girlfriend. They had seemed pretty lovestruck but that didn't always mean they were together.

Sadie removed herself from the pile, wanting to wash some of the sand out of her hair in the water.

"I'm going to go take a dip. Anyone want to come?" she asked. No one spoke up, seemly too tired to want to move. "Suit yourselves." 

She tossed her shorts down next to her friends and jogged across the beach reaching the edge of the water. Standing so that the waves reached her toes every time they came in she shivered at the coolness, but the burning of her skin and the sand itching her head convinced her to continue in. She quickly submerged herself under the water to get it out of the way, and then laid back allowing herself to float, the waves lifting her gently ever few seconds. She closed her eyes in order to relax fully but when the warmth from the sun suddenly disappeared she opened them seeing Hangman standing close, looking down at her. His eyes drifted down and then back up her body causing Sadie's cheeks to warm up. 

"Changed your mind?" she asked him.

"I'm only human. I see a hot girl running into the ocean by herself and I'm compelled to follow."

Sadie rolled her eyes, and tried to ignore him, focusing on floating again. In the water she felt his hands reach out grazing against her ankle, then continuing up her legs. She bit her lip and tried to hold still, despite the ticklish feeling following his fingers. His hands reached her thighs when she stood up placing her feet back underneath her so that she was no longer floating. 

"Woah there cowboy. We've got a full audience on the beach," she said indicating their teammates where they still sat in the sand. He looked over his shoulder staring at the team as if contemplating whether it would be worth it to out their escapades but instead he started walking slowly backwards. 

"There won't be an audience at the dorm house," he said with a smug grin raising an eyebrow suggestively. That was enough to get Sadie to follow quickly after him.

Sadie lay in her bed still caught up in the euphoric feeling of being with Hangman

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Sadie lay in her bed still caught up in the euphoric feeling of being with Hangman. He was laying next to her fiddling with her ghost keychain that he had grabbed from her bedside table. he flipped it around in his hands inspecting every side of it as if it would reveal some secret if he looked hard enough. Sadie couldn't help but think he seemed nervous, but that didn't make sense to her. 

"It doesn't do any tricks," she said.

"Huh?" Hangman responded, not breaking his focus on the keychain.

"The ghost. It's just a keychain. It doesn't do anything special." 

"Oh yeah, sorry," he said turning to face her. "It's nice."

"It was a present from my wingman from Top Gun. We've stayed close all these years and now it's my good luck charm," she said flicking the ghost so that it swung while Hangman held it up. 

"People really like you don't they?"

"Not particularly no, they tend to think I'm stubborn. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that you seem to have a lot of people who care deeply about you. I mean Fanboy for start. Even Phoenix and Bob think highly of you even though you just met." He stopped for a moment looking into Sadie's eyes. She was unsure where this conversation was headed. "I mean my wingman at Top Gun first time around couldn't stand me. The place is built to pit us against each other but you manage to come out with friends." 

"I mean, not acting like a dick goes a long way with people," she teased trying to lighten the mood. 

"There's just something about you Casper," he said so quietly that it was almost a whisper. He gazed into Sadie's eyes for long enough that she started to feel uncomfortable, wanting to shy away from the intensity. She needed this to be over or she was going to say something she regretted like 'I think I'm falling in love with you,' and she couldn't have that. 

"Alright Hangman, we're drifting away from casual hook-up territory. Let's reign it back in." She felt gross even saying the words but she didn't want to scare Hangman away by letting her emotions run her mouth. 

"Casual hook-up territory," he said drawing out the words as if testing them in his mouth.

"I mean yeah. That's what we're doing here right?" She tried not to hope that he would correct her and say that he felt something more too. 

"Yeah of course. What else would this be." He stood up from the bed, pulling on his clothes as he did. "I'm going to head back to my room."

"You don't need to leave Hangman," she said, wondering if he would take the hint.

"How about I just knock on the door if I'm interested in a quick fuck again tonight." He sounded angry as he walked to the door, not looking back at Sadie. Her mouth dropped open slightly, shocked at how blunt he was being and feeling slightly hurt. He pulled the door shut forcefully behind him, leaving Sadie to wonder what the hell just happened.

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