It's the Pilot

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Sadie walked into the classroom holding two cups of coffee filled to the brim. She spied Fanboy sitting at their usual table and offered one to him as she sat down. They had been up quite late going over mission parameters and planning for their run throughs today. Luckily Hangman, Payback and Fanboy were up first so Sadie had time to go get caffeine for the both of them. Settling in, she prepared herself for another day of Maverick making them re-live through their every mistake.

She watched as the flashing dot that represented Hangman pulled far ahead of Payback and Fanboy and heard on the recording as they called out for Hangman to slow down. Instead the distance between the dots increased until eventually the representation of Payback and Fanboy crashed into the virtual canyon wall. 

Maverick turned to Hangman, pointing at the image frozen showing the virtual crashed plane. "What happened?"

"I flew kind of like my life depended on it," Hangman replied, toothpick in mouth. It was times like this that Sadie remembered what an asshole Hangman was. Now all she had to do was remind herself when faced with his shirtless form. 

Rooster too, seemed to be sick of his cocky attitude because he chimed in from across the room. 

"And put your team in danger. Your wingmen are dead."

"They couldn't keep up," Hangman challenged back. Rooster's eyes narrowed. The whole group seemed to be focusing their frustration on Hangman at the moment but he made no indication that he cared or was effected in any way. Maverick sensing the tension in the air, refocused the conversation.

"And you, why are you dead?" he asked Rooster.

Sadie felt bad for the younger man who always seemed to be more effected by Maverick's criticism than most.

"Sir, he's the only one who made it to the target," Phoenix said. Maverick didn't seem to care.

"A minute late. That gave the enemy time to shoot him down. He's dead." 

"You don't know that," Sadie chimed in wanting to diffuse the situation, but Hangman seemed to have other ideas.

"You don't get it, he's not flying fast enough," he said turning to face Sadie directly. She tilted her head raising an eyebrow at him as if daring him to say anything else. Instead he turned to face Rooster who was clenching his fists in anger in his seat.

"We made it to the target," Rooster said glaring back at Hangman. Maverick didn't let up, he seemed to have expected Rooster's response because he was quick to reply.

"And a superior aircraft intercepted you on your way out." 

"Then it's a dogfight."

"Against fifth generation fighters?"

"It's not the plane it's the pilot."

"Exactly," Maverick snapped.

Sadie's hand gripped Fanboy's under the desks. This was getting out of hand. Rooster looked around the room at his teammates, taking the time formulate his response.

"There is more than one way to fly this mission," he said finally. Sadie hoped that would be the end of it but of course Hangman had to get in the last word. 

"You really don't get it. On a mission like this, a man either fly like Maverick here, or a man doesn't come home." He stood and placed one hand on Sadie's shoulder and the other on the table behind her that Phoenix was sitting at. "No offence," he said, indicating the women. Fanboy's hand reached out to push Hangman's off of Sadie. Bob who wasn't one to make himself the centre of attention, seemed to not be able to ignore the snide comment.

"And yet, somehow, you always manage," Bob said. Hangman continued to step closer to Rooster as he spoke.

"This isn't a criticism. You're conservative, that's all. We're heading into a combat that no one has ever seen, not even him," Hangman said pointing to Maverick. "There's no time to be thinking of the past."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rooster asked tensing up as he rose from his seat.

"I can't be the only one who knows Maverick used to fly with his old man. Or that Maverick was flying when his old man..."

Rooster jumped up from his chair, lunging at Hangman. Everyone in the room sprang up to keep the two men separated from each other. The two men struggled and squirmed trying to break free of the arms holding them back but eventually they called down. 

Hangman stood with a smug look on his face, and Rooster stood looking like he wanted to murder him. 

"He's not cut out for this mission," Hangman said pushing his way out of the group of people. 

"You're dismissed. We're done for the day," Maverick said. Rooster stormed out of the room, Phoenix and Bob following shortly after. Sadie sad Hangman slip out the side door and marched after him, determined to call him out for being an ass.

"What the fuck was that?" she called, speeding up to close the distance between them as he headed to his truck. Hangman ignored her and kept walking. Breaking into a jog she reached out, grabbing Hangman's elbow and whipping him around to face her. "I said, what the fuck was that?" 

Hangman glared down at her, but stayed silent. This only made Sadie more mad. He tried to pull his arm away from Sadie, but she tightened her grip. She knew that she was squeezing to the point that it must have been uncomfortable but he didn't seem to notice. 

"I don't have to explain shit to you," he spat out, again pulling his arm away. This time Sadie loosened her grip and let him leave. She glared at his receding back until he had driven away.

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