I Can't Stand Him

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Sadie walked into the dorm house she had been assigned to. It was the same one that she had called home during her first time at Top Gun. Taking a deep breath in, she re-familiarized herself with the place, taking the time to walk through every room slowly. 

She made her way upstairs passing the first pair of rooms. In one she saw Rooster lounging on the bed having already made himself comfortable, and in the other she saw Coyote unpacking his bad. The four solo pilots had all been assigned to one house meaning that across from Sadie was... Crap.

With his back towards her Sadie watched as Hangman threw things from his bag into his open dresser. She groaned internally cursing her bad luck. Of course she would be stuck across from the one person here that she couldn't stand and who couldn't stand her. 

"Can I help you Princess?" he asked without turning to face her.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, can. I. Help. You. Princess,"  he had finally turned to face her, punctuating each word with a step towards her until they stood face to face. 

"You can start with never calling me princess again," she said narrowing her eyes and raising herself onto her toes.

"Hit a little too close to home, Princess? You wave your hand and are magically given my spot at Top Gun, it sounds like a pretty fitting title to me."

"If you weren't such a poor candidate to begin with maybe I wouldn't have been able to take your spot based on my skill alone."

"You better be able to put your money where your mouth is. Sure would be embarrassing if we get up into the air tomorrow and it turns out you're a mediocre pilot."

"You just watch. I'll be flying circles around you tomorrow." 

She huffed and marched into her room, kicking the door shut behind her. 

 After she managed to calm down, she began to unpack

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 After she managed to calm down, she began to unpack. Tucking her things away into nice, even piles. Sadie liked all aspects of her life to be organized. It just made things easier when everything had a place. It was calming for her to organize her room and get settled in. It was nerve-racking being called back to Top Gun, especially considering they had been provided with no additional information as of yet, so spending some time doing menial tasks was a great way to keep her mind off of things. 

Hangman on the other hand seemed to make it his mission to annoy her in any way possible. Even in her room behind the closed door she could still hear him whistling to himself and clambering around his room. It was driving her insane. Giving up with her bag still half full she left the house.

She found Fanboy in his room in the dorm house next door. Barging in she threw herself down onto his bed and let out a frustrated yell.

"So you're clearly doing well," he said. 

"Shut up," she said throwing his pillow across the room. He easily dodged and threw it back at Sadie. She gave a half-ass attempt to move out of the way but the pillow still managed to hit her on the head. 

"What prompted this visit?"

"That asshole Bagman." 

"Hangman," he corrected.

"I don't care! I can't stand him."

"He does seem like an ass, but I've seen you deal with assholes before. Why is this one bugging you so much?"

"I don't know, because maybe he's right? What if I did take his spot at Top Gun? Maybe I shouldn't have let Warden help me."

"You're talking crazy now. You had a golden opportunity fall into your lap. It would have been criminal to pass it up. Anyone here would have done the same thing in your position. He's just pissed he's never impressed anyone enough for them to stick their neck out for him. So just ignore him, ok?" 

Fanboy stared at her with a raised eyebrow when she didn't say anything back. He wheeled himself closer to the bed in his desk chair and stuck his face right next to Sadie's.

"Casper you have to answer me or I'm not sharing any of the baking Ava sent with you."

Sadie gasped, shooting upright.Fanboy's wife Ava was a phenomenal baker. As the person who sat next to Fanboy's in class she had been privy to all the snacks he had managed to sneak into the classroom. Sadie had the privilege of meeting Ava once and had offered to run away into the sunset with the other women, but she was apparently smitten with Fanboy so she declined. 

"You wouldn't dare," she challenged and Fanboy simply shrugged in response. "Ok, ok I hear you. I am just over reacting because he's pushing my buttons. I just need to ignore him."

Fanboy reached into his bag pulling out a Tupperware of baked goods, holding it out to her as a reward. Taking a cookie for himself he bit into it and began talking despite his mouth being full.

"Glad you've come to your senses. Now we can get back to the important stuff. Like how crappy these dorm houses are. I can't believe we put up with this. There isn't even a TV," he said showering the floor with cookie crumbs falling from his mouth. Sadie looked at Fanboy in disgust.

"Are you kidding? How does Ava even put up with you? Remind her that I'm still single for me," she teased.

"For the last time Casper, you can't marry my wife. She's already married to me."

Sadie just rolled her eyes at her friend. "Her mistake."

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