Some More Dating Dustin Hcs

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- Dating Dustin meant that you'd HAVE to play Dungeons and Dragons with them at least once. He'd want you to try it out at least to see if you'd like it because he really liked you enough to share his interest with you. Mike gave him hell for it at first, saying they didn't need anymore members. But if you liked it then he'd convince him to let you join, and if you didn't like it he'd be perfectly okay with it :)!

- at school, if anyone gave him hell for his teeth, you'd be the first one to defend him. You hated the nicknames they gave him, they were unoriginal and just plain stupid, but what did you expect from small town bullies? They'd throw their insults at him and you'd throw some right back, not scared of their threats one bit. Besides, if they ever went through with their threats you had a certain policeman's number memorized. 

- Dates would include going to the lake to watch the sunset or sunrise, going to the arcade or mall, watching the latest science fiction movie Dustin was excited about, or just hanging out at his or your house. I believe Dustin is a low-key boyfriend, like the little things matter to him more than some big extravagant date. He likes to save those for anniversary dates or birthday dates. 

- PDA is complicated. he'd like to hold your hand while walking places or riding in a car. I don't think he'd be too big on cuddling, i think he's too awkward and wouldn't know what to do with himself, but maybe the longer you guys date he'd warm up to you and start putting his arm around your shoulder. and he'd do it in that cheesy way where he'd fake yawn and stretch and then put his arm around you ( he learned that from steve) while you two are watching a movie. 

- Sometimes, while hanging out with your friends together, you'd catch him looking at you with a small smile on his face, while you're talking about something or even just sitting there. He'd look at you like you hung the moon. Sometimes he did it when you two watched movies, you'd be in deep concentration trying to figure out the plot of a cheesy syfy movie and you'd turn your head and catch him staring. He'd get all flustered and say he zoned out and turn his attention back to the movie, but a few moments later youd catch him doing it again. 

- he'd get all his dating advice from steve, which isn't always the greatest idea. but he'd ask steve's opinion on what kind of flowers he should get you for your birthday, he'd ask for date ideas, and when he had first met you he had used a cheesy pickup line as a conversation starter, a terrible one that steve had told him to use, but hey, it worked.                                                                   "if you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun! anyway, nice to meet you, the names Dustin"

- His mom absolutely adores you, she's always asking him about you and when you come over she insists on cooking you meals as if you're one of her own kids. she'll get you birthday gifts and drive the two of you wherever you want to go. when you two are leaving for a date she'll insist on  taking a million pictures of you and Dustin before you go, and he has to argue with her for ten minutes telling her you have a date to get to. 

- you two would be inseparable, even when the group is dealing with the weird happenings of Hawkins, he'd insist that you stick with him, not wanting you out of his sight so he can protect you, but you'd end up doing most of the protecting lets be honest. 

- his absolute favorite thing to do is make you laugh. it doesn't matter where you two are at or what you two are doing, he loves seeing a smile on your face accompanied by the most beautiful laugh he's ever heard. If you're with the group he'll crack a joke that probably no one else thinks is funny but of course you think its hilarious, when you two are in class at school he'll pass you a note with a funny drawing and caption and ultimately get caught and get a warning from the teacher while you're trying to hold back a giggle, while watching a movie he'll make a joke about the cheesy special effects or the dialog. it doesn't matter whats going on, he just loves making you happy. 

- when he gets back home from summer camp he's antsy in the car, trying to reach you over the walkie but the group told you to ignore him because they had the surprise planned for him (which ended up with max holding lucas's face under running water) after everything settles down he'll want to spend time with you alone so he can tell you all about his camp experience, and of course you'll listen enthusiastically. then he'll want you to tell him about everything you did while he was gone. and of course he brought you back little things he made while he was at camp, some of them you didn't understand the point of but you'd accept them graciously anyway. you'd stay for dinner or end up going out as a group and you'd be happy that your Dustin is home.  

- you'd always give him music recommendations, since you watched his science fiction movies it was only fair he listened to your music. some of it he liked some of it he didn't, which you didn't mind because everyone had their own opinions, but you were thankful he even listened to it. sometimes he'd randomly call your house to tell you how much he liked a song, then whenever you hung out he'd play the ones he liked and tell you what he liked about them and how they reminded him of you. 

- whenever you came to his house you'd always at least take one of his shirts or hoodies, and he either never noticed or didn't mind it. but when he looked at you and realized you were wearing his clothes it always made him smile, and he never asked for them back, thinking they looked way better on you anyway. sometimes if he was wearing a hat you'd take it off his head and put it on yours, smiling at him and he'd smile back. 

- you two never really argued, and when you did it was resolved pretty quickly. yes he was stubborn but he hated when you were upset with him, and vise versa. so, you two always talked things out and came to an agreement or compromise which was very mature for two teenagers, but he just really liked you and you really liked him. 

- the first time an "i love you" was said was right after a near death experience happened when the demodogs had been chasing you, you had tripped and one was right behind you. luckily, steve's trusty bat took care of the wretched thing and you were safely pulled to your feet by your very worried boyfriend as he first asked if you were okay and then made a point to tell you he loved you and that would not happen again. you told him you loved him too and then the group got the hell out of there. later on, when the two of you were safe and alone, he'd tell you that it wasn't just adrenaline that made him proclaim his love, but his true feelings. you reassured that you genuinely loved him too. 

Jesus christ i haven't written in so long so I'm sorry if this sucks. anyway i hope i can write more soon and requests are always open....hint hint....anyway its 4am and my brain is rotting. i hope this wasn't too terrible and basic!!!! ok goodnight lol. 

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