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This chapter will be a little sad. Just warning you

Gaten's POV

She was gone. Just like that. Ripped away from
This world in an instant. Maybe it was my fault, I should've protected her. It was my fault she ran out into the street. It was my fault we were fighting. It's my fault she's gone. Forever. She's gone and she's not coming back. I'm all

-a few hours earlier-

" gaten!" She squealed As I threw a few pieces of popcorn at her. She huffed and rolled her eyes " you're cleaning this up!" She gestured to the popcorn on the floor and in the couch cushions

It was movie night with my girlfriend, y/n. The best night of all. I always looked forward to this night for many reasons, I got to watch good movies with an amazing person, I got to eat a whole bunch of popcorn and candy, and I usually catch my girlfriend in a cute moment.

" sure, sure. I'll totally pick it up!" I teased and she giggled " I'll make you if it's the last thing I do!" I smiled and paused the movie " we should take a break so I can clean up this popcorn and refill on drinks" she nodded in agreement and stood up. She stretched her limbs " I'mma take a bathroom break, don't go anywhere!" I shook my head " I won't!"

She smiled and ran off into the bathroom. I pick up the popcorn and throw them away. I walk back to the couch and hear her phone blowing up with text notifications. I frown and sit back in my seat. I don't pick it up because it's not my phone.

A few minutes later, her phone was still going off and she wasn't out of the bathroom yet. I sighed and slowly reached for  her phone. I'll just take a little peep and put it back down. Not that big of a deal.

I look at her lock screen and see a bunch of notifications from this dude named Kyle. I frowned. Kyle was a kid from our school. He was always trying to talk to y/n and flirt with her but I was always by her side.

She came back in and I held her phone up "why are you talking to Kyle? You know he's a creep!" Raising my voice was a mistake and I knew it. She sighed " gaten, we're just friends, don't worry about it. Now can you put my phone down so we can start the movie again?"

I shook my head " no. How long have you two been talking?" I was a little jealous I had to admit. She groaned " babe, it's not a big deal? Or do you not trust me?" She scoffed.

My anger boiled " How can I trust you!? You're talking to other boys behind my back! On top of that, boys who obviously like you!" I yelled. Yelling was a mistake.

" so...you don't trust me? I can't believe you! I've talked to many guys and you never seemed to care!" She yanked her phone from my grasp and I grabbed her wrist " how many other guys are you taking to, y/n?"

" let go of me!"  She pulled away. I sighed "are you cheating on me? Y/n? I care about you! I love you! And you go and talk to other guys?! I can't believe you! What did I do wrong!?"

" you never pay attention to me! You're always filming or doing conventions, or meet and greets, or interviews! This is the first time we've spent actual quality time together in SO long! Ive been trying to be patient. It's like I don't even have a boyfriend anymore" a single tear rolled down her cheek.

I had no idea she felt this way. I was being stubborn that night and I couldn't stop myself from saying what I said next. " well I'm sorry im popular! I'm sorry I'm actually important to people!"

The look on her face was one of hurt. She sighed shakily " well I guess I should go then huh? Since I'm not important?" She scoffed and grabbed her stuff and ran to the door before I could get to her.

" no! Y/n! Wait!" I tried to grab her wrist again but she was already in the street. I saw car headlights and she saw them too, but it was too late for her to move.

The impact was something That will haunt me everyday. Her body flew over the windshield and she impacted the ground with a loud thump.

The car stopped and the person called 911. I ran to her lifeless body. I looked at her scratched and bleeding face with glass sticking
Up everywhere from the windshield of the car.

She was pronounced dead when the paramedics arrived.

- present-

I wasn't blamed for her death. But I feel like it's my fault. I blame myself for my jealousy and anger. I shouldn't have accused her of anything. Now she's gone forever. I'll never see her again. The light in my life is gone. Because of me.

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now