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I wanna do this in bullet point format

Imagine: you and Dustin/ Gaten dancing around to Beatles songs.

- Gaten would put on your favorite song first, him ready with a playlist of your favorite songs.

- he would be too shy to dance around with you, so he would just sit and watch (not in a creepy way ofc)

- he would secretly film (not in a weird way) you and put it on his instagram story. You would catch him and make him quickly delete it before anyone saw it, but it would be too late because already hundreds of people had seen it.

-you would pretend to be mad at him, and tell him the only way you would forgive him was if he danced with you. So he did.

-he was having a bunch of fun so he wasn't paying attention to you recording him and laughing quietly to yourself.

-y'all would get tired and turn the music off and then watch movies for the rest of the night.


- Dustin would put on The Beatles, knowing they were your favorite, while you were over and you two would either talk or dance around.

-he would sing the lyrics terribly because he couldn't sing. You would laugh and applaud him when he was done.

- when a slower song came on, you guys would slow dance. But since you guys were equally immature, any efforts of being mature would quickly fail and you guys would giggle uncontrollably.

-you would stop and eat candy for the rest of the night, talking and watching all his favorite movies, since they were your favorite too.


So I originally promised this by Friday, but I completely forgot. So I hope the requester enjoyed this. I certainly enjoyed writing it.

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now