meet and greet

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disclaimer: IVE NEVER BEEN TO A CONVENTION BEFORE OKAY? just bare with me pls 👌🏻 this was a request and i hope you enjoy :)

i was in line to meet my favorite people: the cast from Stranger Things. i was with my best friend, b/f and we were almost to the front. first we were gonna see Sadie then Millie, Noah, Finn, joe, david, then finally Gaten.

i turned to her/him " i'm really nervous, what if i pass out! that would be so embarrassing!" they rolled their eyes " you'll be fine, kalysta. just be yourself!" i nodded and smiled as we moved up in line. i could now see sadie.

~ le time skip ~

i had gotten a few things signed by the cast members i had already seen, but i saved my favorite ST merch for gaten.

i was almost to the front of his line when i realized b/f had left me. i rolled my eyes, they had probably seen some other booth they wanted to buy something at.

" next?"

i looked up and realized that was me. i slowly walked towards gaten as he smiled that adorable smile. " h-hi, i'm kalysta" i slowly held my hand out for him to shake and stood there kinda awkwardly. he chuckled and shook my hand " c-can you sign this?" i held you the object and he took it from me.

i watched him as he signed the merchandise and hand it back to me. our hands touched for a second and i blushed like an idiot. he looked at me "'re that girl who makes singing videos on youtube, right? i love your videos!"

i smiled and nodded " yup! that's me! y/c/n!" OH MY GOD! GATEN WATCHES MY VIDEOS!!!!

" i'm a big fan! we should do a collab soon!"

DID HE JUST SAY WE SHOULD DO A COLLAB!? i must me dreaming. say something kalysta! don't be an idiot!

i took a deep breath " y-yeah! we totally should!" " move along, your time is up" the security guard pushed me along and i smiled to myself as i went to find b/f.

" there you are! jeez you won't believe what happened!" i jumped up and down and they rolled their eyes " i leave you for one second" they mumbled " GATEN WATCHES MY VIDEOS"

their eyes widened " WHAT!?" i smiled brightly and nodded quickly " HE WANTS TO DO A COLLAB!" they jumped up and down with me "AHH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!"

after a few minutes of fangirling we calmed down because people were starting to stare. pfft. they're just jealous that THEY don't get to do a collab with GATEN. i should really calm down...


AHHH i finally did it! i got it out and i hope the requester enjoyed reading it cuz i sure enjoyed writing it! i REALLY hope i spelled your name right! btw your name is really pretty

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now