texting gaten

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you couldn't sleep, you were tossing and turning all night, worrying about finals the next day. you groaned quietly, not wanting to wake your sleeping pet beside you and kicked the warm blanket off your legs.

you opened your eyes and all you saw was pitch black, your tv had turned off by itself a few hours ago and it was the only source of light you had. you reached out beside you to your nightstand and felt around for your phone, almost knocking a glass of water on the floor in the process, you finally found it.

you checked the time and it read 3:43 am. you had to get up in about three hours to get ready for school, you knew there was no way you were getting any sleep so an idea popped in your head.

you smiled as you opened your phone and went to your messages. you clicked on gaten's contact and thought up of something to say. he was probably asleep too so there was a small chance he would even reply.

you: heyyy can't sleep...finals have me anxious 🤧

you turned your phone off and set it ontop of the blanket beside you, waiting for his reply. you looked around the dark room while you waited and you could barely make out the faint glow of the moon outside your window. your phone buzzed and you looked down surprisingly as you picked it up and read the message on your lock screen.

gaten: i'm so sorry babe, don't worry about finals, you're the smartest person i know ♥️ we can stay up and talk if you'd like? i'm not tired anyway

you: are you positive? i don't want to keep you up because of my stupid anxiety...you need your sleep too...

gaten: your anxiety isn't stupid. i'm glad you texted me before it got worse. now, why are you so worried about finals?

you: i just don't like testing in general, i don't like waiting to see how i did. i want to know right away if that makes sense

gaten: it makes perfect sense. i can't really do anything about that but i can tell you that you're going to do great. don't ask me how i know, i just do :)))

you: thanks, you're a great boyfriend...i'm actually getting tired now so i'm gonna head to bed. goodnight ♥️

gaten: i'll see you tomorrow, goodnight ♥️

you put your phone down back on your nightstand and pull the blankets back over you. you slowly drift to sleep to the sound of your pet snoring.


i'm actually proud of this????? like???? i'm typing this at 4:50 in the morning and i'm actually proud??????? anyway, hey! i'm back to writing. isn't that great? oh and should i start a steve harrington imagines book? cuz it's steve harrington ????

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now