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So i originally wrote this for gaten but i'm going to write this for dustin instead k thx enjoy 🫶
You'd never understood the concept of mathematics. It just didn't click in your brain like it did with other students, and you envied them very much. It wasn't fair, no matter how hard you tried you always failed tests, got low grades at the end of semesters, and even went to summer school. Nothing helped.

So, one day you signed up for an after school tutoring program you saw hung up on the bulletin board in the hallway. You didn't sign up for tutoring in the past because your ego and pride but the best of you. But you had found yourself quickly writing your name down and leaving, making sure no one saw you because you were embarrassed you needed help when so many other people didn't. It didn't help that your name was the only one on the paper.

The information on the paper you saw had instructed you to go to room 115 every day after school. So the following Monday you were anxious to meet your tutor, hoping it wasn't a total asshole. But when the final bell rang and you made your way to the designated classroom, you only saw one boy.

You could recognize that curly head and AV Club t-shirt from a mile away. Dustin sat at a desk in the front of the classroom, silently reading a science fiction book. You took a deep breath and walked through the doorway, your nerves telling you to turn around and not to come back, but you really needed the help.

"Um..hi." You managed to get out and his head snapped up, a smile spreading across his face. You'd said it so quietly you were surprised he even heard you. "Hi! You're Y/n right?" He  asked, "well you must be since you're the only person who signed up." he said with a little laugh but you felt your cheeks heat up at the reminder of your predicament.

But he continued, "I'm Dustin and I'll be your tutor. But i'm sure you already figured that out cause i'm the only one here too. I don't know why other people aren't taking advantage of this opportunity, I'm getting extra credit." he said proudly. "But hey, come sit over here and we can get started."  He instructed and you followed, sitting at the seat next to his.

He scooted his closer so the two desks were touching and you grabbed your notebook, homework, and algebra textbook out of your school bag and set them on the desk. "So you're having trouble with algebra?" He noted when he saw your homework and textbook. You nodded, "yeah, more specifically the quadratic formula. There's just too many numbers and my brain shuts down, haha." you let out an awkward laugh and he just smiled.

"Well I have good news, the quadratic formula is one of my favorite formulas." He said as you flipped through the book to the correct page. Once you guys got settled he began explaining the process and gave you a few simple equations to solve. Every time you got stuck he was there to  guide you. And he never made you feel stupid like your teachers did.

As you solved more problems, he made them harder, and soon you didn't need his help at all. After solving another one, you looked at the clock, then at him to see him already looking at you. Your cheeks flushed. Two hours had passed but it only felt like fifteen minutes.

He spoke up. "So...do you understand better? If not we can keep going." He offered but you shook your head. "No, I think I get it. Thank you, Dustin." You really were thankful, it was like magic how he helped you understand after two hours. "I think I should be getting home. I don't want to miss dinner. I think we're having meatloaf." You informed him like he gave a shit about what you were eating for dinner.

He nodded, "Meatloaf is great! My mom makes killer meatloaf, you'd have to come by and try some next time she makes it." He said nonchalantly.

"Oh uh, yeah! Just let me know next time." You smiled, sure your face was as red as a tomato. You packed up your things and left after a quick goodbye and another thank you. As you rode your bike home you realized just how cute the boy actually was. And he was nice which was more than any other boy at Hawkins High School could do.

You and Dustin had become close during your sessions, he'd make a joke and it would make you laugh every time. He brought you both snacks and soon you started to do the same. He'd even talk to you during school, walking you to your classes during passing periods and inviting you to sit with his friends at lunch. Eddie always gave you a side eye, thinking you were too preppy to be sitting with them. He'd usually make fun of a girl like you, but he wouldn't do it in front of Dustin. But soon he got used to you.

But it surprised you when a few weeks later, during another session, Dustin asked for your number. You were certain it was only as friends and then he said "-yeah and I was actually wondering if you'd maybe want to go out sometime, like as a date? Or as friends. I don't mind either one." He said with a nervous smile, hoping and praying that'd you'd want to be more than just that.

You nodded. "Yeah, yeah i'd love to, Dustin." you said and his smile grew. "Great! Um..when I get it planned I'll call you, okay?" He actually already had an idea of what he wanted to do. "Okay. I'll be waiting." You said and then after a few more minutes you both left.

Tutoring wasn't as bad as you'd thought it was going to be.

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now