Love to hate you

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i'm finally writing again. wow feels good ;)) this is a bullet point thingy having a love hate relationship with dustin

- you didnt know why you hated Dustin Henderson so much. maybe it was because he kicked you out of the av club in middle school and stole your candy bars during lunch.

- he secretly had a crush on you. no one knew because literally the entire school knows how much you "hate" him and he would get teased about it. not only from his friends but from yours.

-so he had to act tough around you and try not to get all shy. sometimes he would call you during the weekends and say "we're going to the arcade, be there or be square." and he would just hang up, giving you the choice of being there or being square.

- you were friends with Max, so she always invited you to their little "gatherings" without Mike's permission, which always made him upset. Dustin always took your side over things but you ignored it. you thought it was because he didn't want you to beat him up.

- you got annoyed or jealous when he would try to flirt with max. you walked away or said "this is an A and B conversation, so C your way out of it. thanks," when he would try to join into your convos. you would sarcastically smile and pull max away, leaving dustin standing there by himself.

- Dustin would tell his friends about his little crush finally and they would reassure him that you've liked him since he moved to Hawkins.

- of course he would be (sister) shocked and go to school happy as can be the next day. he wouldn't ask you out yet tho. he would plan it very carefully.

i was planning on waiting until season three came out to write some more so i'd have ideas. but school is almost over for me and i needed something else to do other than school
work. part two will be about the date. idk when that'll be out because i have a lot of work to
do before the end of the year. maybe sometime this week i hope 🤧. anyway, have a great day! ♥️

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now