I like it

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I'm doing a happy one bc my last one was frickin sad. Also I thought this book was deleted but it's not so I don't have to lose my shit 😬 anyway enjoy this rushed story. Listen to the song above if you want it'll make more sense if you do.

You were home alone for the weekend because your parents were out on a cruise. You were excited to have the house to yourself because that meant you could play your music as loud as you want without getting yelled at by your parents. You were into rap music and your parents hated that. They loved country music.

Friday night they left and you cooked yourself dinner. You thought about ordering pizza but then you realized you spent all your money during your last shopping spree. So you decided on Mac and cheese.

You stirred the pasta and realized the house was very quiet. You grabbed your phone and turned on Spotify. I Like It by Cardi B came on and you hooked your phone up to your speaker and put it on the table as you danced around.

You didn't hear the back door open as Gaten sneaked inside. You were too focused on your horrible dancing. Gaten saw you and grinned as he took out his phone. He started recording your dancing.

You turned around in time to see him and your eyes widened " hey! What the hell!?" You complain and turn the music off. He burst out laughing and you huff as you try to grab his phone.

" babe you have to let me post that!" He smiled and ran away with his phone. You groan "no!" He smiled and came back " fine. Then if you rap this entire song then I'll delete the video" you sighed " fine" you grabbed your phone and started the song over

Yeah baby, I like it like that
You gotta believe me when I tell you
I said I like it like that
You gotta believe me when I tell you
I like it like

You blush as he laughs uncontrollably at your singing/rapping

You rapped the entire song and he went from laughing to staring at you in amazement. You Finished and smirked " now delete the damn thing"

He grinned as he saved the video of he took of you rapping along with dancing to his phone as you went back to cooking.

This was rushed and idc but I didn't feel like putting the entire song lyrics here and I tried to copy and paste it but I was being stupid. Goodnight/morning ♥️

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now