When he finds your stuffed animal

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Gaten had called you and asked you to spend the night. He was responsible and respectful of women so you didn't have to worry about him doing anything bad. You trusted him too.

You packed you bag and smiled as you slipped
Your favorite stuffed animal in there too, hoping gaten wouldn't notice. You put on your shoes and texted him saying you're on your way.

You guys lived in the same neighborhood, so you decided to walk. A few minutes passed by and you knocked on his front door. He answered with a smile.

" hey y/n!" You smiled and walked in after giving him a quick hug. You put your bag down on the couch and looked around. " where's your mom?"

He smiled " she's at a friends house actually" you nodded " so what should we do first?" He walked over to the coffee table and picked up a move case " I was thinking we could watch The Goonies?"

You nodded " of course! You got snacks?" He put the movie in the DVD player " in the kitchen on the counter" you walked into the kitchen and you heard him snicker.

You frowned and walked back into the living room. You froze when you saw him holding your favorite stuffed animal. " is this yours?"

You slowly nodded " are gonna make fun of me?" He shook his head " I'm not that mean! And besides, I think it's kinda cute" you blushed " r-really?" He nodded

" how did I ever get lucky when you babe?" You smiled and walked back into the kitchen to grab your snacks, that wasn't as bad as you thought it would've been.

Yeah I know! Short af but writers block sucks ass. Anyway I'll be updating more often and I'm happy about that :) byeee ♥️

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now