Love To Hate You Pt. 2

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the date :)

- dustin called you up one night and y'all talked for about three hours straight. your mom yelled at you because it was past your bedtime by the time you were finished. you kind of thought it was worth it.

-he ended up asking you out on a date. he wanted to take you to the Arcade. you hesitantly agreed but you thought it was a shitty place for a date. but you had to give him credit.

- the next night you got your older brother to drop you off, while he went to go hang out with Billy, doing whatever they were gonna do. you preferred Steve more, but your brother was a meathead so it didn't matter to him.

- you dressed up a bit more than usual. not too much because it was still only the Arcade. you just tied your hair into a ponytail that contained your wild, curly hair. you put on a blue blouse and your best skirt. nothing too fancy.

-Dustin was already there. he greeted you "y/c! lets go play pac-man first! i know thats your favorite" he smiled and grabbed your hand, leading you to the machine.

-you played all night. he thought it was cute when you were focusing and you bit your lip in concentration. you thought how it was cute how when he lost he would get all flustered because he lost in front of his crush.

-at the end of the night, he kissed your cheek goodbye and said he wanted a second date. you obviously agreed. he left before you and you waited there for your brother, smiling like an idiot.

-your brother, Andrew, (random name) arrived with billy passed out in the back seat and a girl in the front. You sighed and shoved billy's legs out of the seat and sat down, making sure that you were far away from him because he looked like he was going to be sick.

- "hey squirt." he slurred and you ignored him. again, you didn't like Billy. he burped loudly and you grimaced, pressing yourself against the door and away from him. he was a bad influence on Andy.

-" aw come on thats nasty billy" the girl complained. he rolled his eyes "bite me, Holly" you only lived about 20 minutes out of town and you guessed that Billy and this Holly girl were going to be spending the night.

- Andrew smiled mockingly and glanced back at you "y/n went on a little date tonight. with Dustin Henderson" Billy snorted "what a dork" he passed out soon after that.

-if dustin was a dork, he was a cute dork at that. you smiled to yourself for the rest of the ride home.

sorry if u dont have curly hair. it just fits because its the 80's and yeah-

Gaten Matarazzo and Dustin Henderson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now